
qín wù
  • service;duty;orderly
勤务 [qín wù]
  • (1) [service]∶各种后勤工作。多指上级布置的杂务

  • 军事勤务

  • (2) [orderly]∶军队中的勤务人员

  • 他是老勤务了

勤务[qín wù]
  1. HLA在后方勤务仿真系统中的应用

    Application of HLA in Simulation System of Rear Duty

  2. 阐述了基于多Agent的勤务编排系统结构的详细设计及实现。最后对系统的性能进行评估与分析,并提出了进一步改进建议。

    Then this thesis discusses the design of the system structure and performance evaluation . Finally , duty scheduling based on Multi-Agent is summarized and further improvement is given .

  3. 他听到诺拉正在破口大骂一名勤务兵没有将食品箱及时送回厨房。

    He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough

  4. 那人想了一会儿,回答说:"微软的一个办公室勤务员!"

    The man thought for a while , and replied , " an office boy at Microsoft ! "

  5. 我喊醒勤务,他在我的绷带上倒了些矿质水

    I waked the orderly and he poured mineral water on the dressings .

  6. 面向Agent的海军军械勤务辅助支持系统的逻辑构建

    Study of the structure of agent-oriented equipment service assistant and support system

  7. 基于Java的VRML虚拟公路运输勤务场景的网络通信功能的实现

    Implementation on Network Communication Function of VRML Virtual Highway Service Scene Based on Java

  8. 基于3S技术的固定勤务应急指挥系统

    Fixed Duty Emergency Commanding System Based with 3S

  9. 雷达业务与技术勤务管理系统(RDMS)

    Radar Service Management System ( RDMS )

  10. 这是一场公然执行的枪决,且为达拉斯警察局、秘密勤务局、联邦调查局和白宫中志同道合者们甚至上至J。

    It was a public execution and it was covered up by like-minded individuals in the Dallas Police Department , the Secret Service , the FBI , and the White House , all the way up to and including J.

  11. 方法运用自编调查问卷、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)对海军某部勤务船、驱逐舰与常规潜艇舰员382名进行测量。

    Methods We analyzed date of 382 navy crew from duty ship , destroyer and normal regulations submarine warship members questionnaires ( SCL-90 , EPQ and other supplemental questionnaire tailored for the project ) .

  12. 最后,对完全基于北斗二代(BD-2)导航定位系统的武警部队临时勤务指挥定位系统进行了展望。

    Finally , it previews the directing and position system of the temporary duty of CAPF based on the BD-2 navigation system completely .

  13. 某卫星发射中心活动勤务塔为钢结构塔架,结构平面不规则,型式复杂且可移动,塔架的设计计算采用专用的SST程序,计算结果表明,设计控制荷载为风荷载。

    The movable service tower in satellite launch centre is a steel structure tower which serves satellite launch . The tower has a irregular plane , complex modle and can be moved . The design method of the tower structure is presented with programme SST .

  14. 利用超宽谱电磁脉冲(UWS-EMP)源对无线电引信进行辐照,辐照结果表明:超宽谱电磁脉冲不能使勤务状态下的引信意外发火,但是可以使待发状态下的引信意外发火;

    The radio fuzes are irradiated by UWS-EMP . Irradiating result indicates that the fuzes on duty status are safe to UWS-EMP , but UWS-EMP can cause radio fuzes on ready status detonate .

  15. 网格化专业巡逻勤务基础工作研究

    A Study on the Basic Work in the Professional Patrol Network

  16. 麦克葛芬在执行勤务时。

    Mike Jerome Griffin was killed in the line of duty .

  17. 安排护生在勤务中心实习的效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of the Practice of Student Nurses in Service Office

  18. 他因雇佣他人代理自己的勤务受到军法处罚。

    He was punished by court-martial for having hired his duty .

  19. 基于网络协作的油料勤务信息化训练模式构建

    The Model Construction on Web-based Collaboration of POL Service Information Training

  20. 勤务兵可没有到那地方去的职责。

    An orderly has no business being where he is .

  21. 我们应该永远做人民的勤务员。

    We should always be the servants of the people .

  22. 我早已被请去做陪审团勤务。

    I 've been called up to do jury service .

  23. 勤务兵打着了火①,谢尔比宁在摸烛台。

    The orderly struck a light , Shtcherbinin felt for a candlestick .

  24. 值护航警卫勤务之士兵拥有被保护地位。

    Soldiers on duty as safeguards occupy a protected status .

  25. 设计了油料勤务模拟训练系统框架。

    The paper designs POL service simulation training framework system .

  26. 基于混合模拟退火的勤务编排技术研究

    Research on airline duty scheduling technology based on hybrid simulated annealing algorithm

  27. 他朝着勤务兵的脸野蛮地踹了一脚。

    He launched a brutal kick in batman 's face .

  28. 新兵一到就应该到勤务兵房间报道。

    On arrival , new recruits should report to the orderly room .

  29. 被分配指派为英国军事官员服务的勤务兵。

    An orderly assigned to serve a British military officer .

  30. 基于聚类分析法的军交运输勤务训练评价研究

    Research on the Transportation Service Training Assessment Based on Cluster Analysis Method