
  • 网络Hungarian Politics;Politics of Hungary
  1. 历史在这里沉思&访匈牙利政治雕塑公园

    Meditation on HISTORY-VISIT to Hungarian political Sculpture Park

  2. 他在第二次世界大战参与抵抗纳粹德国运动,战后投入匈牙利政治。

    He was also active in the Hungarian Resistance during World War II and entered Hungarian politics after the war .

  3. 布达佩斯这个名字最后变得琅琅上口,这座城市很快便成为匈牙利的政治及工业中心。

    The name Budapest eventually caught on and the city soon became the political and industrial center of Hungary .

  4. 匈牙利仍有大量政治、社会和经济资本可供利用,帮助国家渡过艰难时期。

    Hungary still has a lot of political , social and economic capital it can draw upon to see the country through hard times .

  5. 匈牙利总理久尔恰尼(Gyurcsany)说,匈牙利得到的贷款不会限制匈牙利的政治决策权,也不会限制改革进程。

    He says the loans Hungary receives will not restrict the country 's right to make its own political decisions and introduce reforms .