
  • 网络chemical coagulation
  1. 大气环境中的金属材料因温度和气候变化引起的蒸发,凝聚,结露以及毛细管作用、吸附作用或化学凝聚作用,会在金属表面凝结形成薄液膜。

    It will form thin electrolyte layer on the metal surface , because of evaporation , agglomeration and capillary condensation , adsorption or chemical coagulation caused by temperature and climate changing .

  2. 氨三乙酸&铵盐镀锌废水通过化学凝聚、活性碳静电吸附等流程处理,可使其得到净化。

    Nitrilotriacetic acid - Ammonium salt zinc - plating waste water can be purified by making use of the technological process of chemical coagulation and electro - static absorption of activated carbon .

  3. 水处理中化学凝聚&固液分离动态模型试验研究

    The test study on dynamic model of chemical AGGLUTINATION-SOLID-LIQUID separation in water treatment

  4. Hartree-Fock理论和密度泛函理论(DFT)在量子化学和凝聚态科学中被广泛应用。

    Hartree-Fock theory and density functional theory ( DFT ) are widely used in quantum chemistry and solid state science .

  5. 化学蒸发凝聚法(制纳米微粒的方法)聚丙烯酰胺凝胶法制备BeO纳米粉体

    Chemical vapor coagulation method , CVC method Synthesis of Beryllium Oxide Nanoparticles by Polyacrylamide Gel Route

  6. 介绍若干材料中的分形凝聚模型:扩散限制凝聚(DLA)模型、动力学集团凝聚(KCA)模型和扩散与化学限制凝聚(DCLA)模型;

    The fractal aggregation models of materials , including diffusion limited aggregation ( DLA ) model , kinetic cluster aggregation ( KCA ) model , and diffusion and chemistry limited aggregation ( DCLA ) model , are reported in this paper .

  7. 最后,探讨了共混物的化学结构和凝聚态结构对共混物热性能、力学性能和降解性能的影响。

    In the end , the relations between thermal property , mechanical property and degradation property and chemical structure and condensed state structure of blends are studied .

  8. 全面的化学教育理论凝聚着中国化学教育工作者的集体智慧和心血,是具有中国特色、学科特点和时代特征的学科教育理论。

    The Theory of Comprehensive Chemical Education , condensing the brightness and painstaking effort of Chinese chemistry educators , is a kind of theory of Chinese characteristic , subject feature and era impression .