
  • 网络Beijing Municipal Commission of Transportation;BMCT
  1. 到目前为止,北京市交通委员会拒绝通融。

    So far the transport bureau in Beijing has refused to budge .

  2. 此外,北京市交通委员会还计划开通专门网站,引导更多市民填报出行信息。

    The commission is also planning on a website where citizens can submit their daily commutes .

  3. 这表明机动车将开始限行。容军是北京市交通委员会委员。

    This means vehicle restrictions are now Rong Jun is with the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transportation .

  4. 北京市交通委员会的数据显示,北京在2013年平均每个工作日会有持续1小时50分钟的交通拥堵,拥堵时间较上年延长了25分钟。

    Every workday in 2013 , traffic jams in the city lasted one hour and 50 minutes on average , up 25 minutes from the year-earlier period , according to the commission .

  5. 根据北京市交通委员会的数据,去年公共自行车租借了17万次,这意味着平均每辆自行车的租借频率不到一天一次。

    According to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transportation , 170 , 000 rentals were recorded in the past year , meaning the average rental frequency is less than once a day for each bike .

  6. 周二,中国官方媒体援引北京市交通委员会一位官员最近接受采访时的讲话称,到2020年,拥有1亿人口的京津冀将形成9500公里的铁路网。

    On Tuesday , official Chinese media , citing a recent media interview with a Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport official , said that 9,500 kilometers of railway lines will crisscross the regional hub of 100 million people awkwardly called Jing-Jin-Ji by 2020 .

  7. 为加快本市人文交通,科技交通、绿色交通建设,北京市交通委员会路政局工作报告中明确提出十二五末全市道路养护废旧路面材料利用率指标。

    In order to speed up the city " humanistic traffic , science and technology , transportation , green traffic " construction , the Beijing municipal transportation committee and political work report " Twelfth Five-year " put forward at the end of the road maintenance old pavement material utilization index .

  8. 据北京市交通运输委员会介绍,在建成3.5环之前,首先需要在北京打通快速路网。

    According to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport , before building the 3.5 ring road , it is first necessary to complete an expressway network in Beijing .

  9. 北京市交通运输委员会发布的最新项目规划报告,北京将在未来五年内,在三环和四环之间建设打通3.5环来缓解交通压力。

    Beijing will build a 3.5 ring road between the existing 3rd and 4th rings in five years to ease traffic pressure , according to a recent report on transportation development in Beijing issued by the Municipal Commission of Transport .