
  1. 北京市气象台发布了北京史上首个霾橙色预警。

    The municipal meteorological station has also issued the city 's first orange fog warning .

  2. 北京市气象台在上周日发布了道路结冰黄色预警,暴风雪蓝色预警。

    Beijing Meteorological Station on Sunday issued a yellow alert for icy road , followed a blue alert for blizzard .

  3. 用每小时的地面自动站雨量资料结合北京市气象台的多普勒天气雷达资料,查找出造成北京2004年夏季(6~8月)的短时局地暴雨天气的雷达回波单体。

    By using Doppler radar measurements and the hour-to-hour rainfall data from automatic weather stations , the radar echo cells corresponding to the short-range local torrential rainfall occurred in summer ( June to August ) 2004 in Beijing are identified and comparison analysis is made .