
  1. 北京欢迎你,在太阳下分享呼吸。&徐若瑄。

    Welcome to Beijing ; let 's breathe together in the sunshine .

  2. 意思是“北京欢迎你”。

    They mean " Welcome to Beijing " .

  3. 奥运吉祥北京欢迎你

    Olympic Luck , Beijing Welcomes You

  4. 让我们用微笑,来发出我们最真诚的邀请!北京欢迎你!

    Let 's smile , and send an invitation to the world : Welcome to Beijing !

  5. 中国人民是好客的,许多歌曲中都写进了“北京欢迎你”。

    The Chinese people are hospitable people , many of the songs contain the sentence " Bejing welcomes you " .

  6. 纪念章正面为五个福娃组合在一起,向世界发出热情的邀请“北京欢迎你”。

    On the front , the5 mascots stand together and issue their warm welcome by saying " Beijing welcomes you " .

  7. 一面是京剧脸谱,另一面是大熊猫的图案,而第三面则是“北京欢迎你”的字样。

    One shows a picture of Peking Opera facial makeup , another is the image of a giant panda and the third is the Chinese sentence reading Beijing Huanying Ni & Beijing welcomes you .

  8. 尽管福娃的含义很丰富,外国人理解起来也有些难度,但它是中国光辉文化的特色所在,中国也藉此向世界发出邀请&北京欢迎你!

    Although Fuwa 's meanings are various and hard for foreigners to understand , it is the feature of splendid Chinese culture and they give the information to the world & Welcome to Beijing !

  9. 全世界的好兄弟,北京,北京,欢迎你!

    Good friend all over the world , welcome to Beijing .

  10. 对于那些正在外国志愿者培训班里努力磨练技能的北京奥运会外国志愿者来说,《北京欢迎你》这首歌最能够提振士气。

    For foreign volunteers at the Beijing Olympics honing their skills before they greet the world , there is nothing like a sing-along chorus of " Smiling Beijing " to raise morale .