
  • 网络peking man;Sinanthropus pekinensis;Homo erectus pekinensis
北京猿人 [běi jīng yuán rén]
  • [Peking Man;Pekinger;people from Beijing] 1929年在北京周口店发现的一种猿人,大约生活在五十万年以前。又称北京人

  1. 本文研究的内容是周口店北京猿人遗址综合研究中的一部分。

    This paper is a part of the synthetical study of the relics of Homo erectus pekinensis in Zhoukoudian .

  2. 保护和利用好北京猿人遗址、故宫、长城、天坛、颐和园5处世界文化和自然遗产。背面:上方采用北京的中国世界文化遗产图片,分别为十三陵、颐和园、天坛、长城、故宫。

    Five sites of world cultural and natural heritage shall be well protected and made good use of . These sites are respectively the Sinanthropus Pekinensis site , the Forbidden City , the Great Wall , the Temple of Heaven and the Summer Palace .

  3. 电子自旋共振(ESR)测年方法和北京猿人的年龄测定

    ESR dating method and the age determination of Peking-Man

  4. 北京猿人遗址第四层裂变径迹法年代测定

    Fission track dating of 4th layer of the Peking Man Site

  5. 但后来有些中国科学家称北京猿人生活的年代应该还要向前推20万年。

    But some Chinese scientists later said they were 200000years older .

  6. 北京猿人遗址年代上限再研究

    Restudy of the upper age limit of Beijing Man Site

  7. 出土的一些文物表明北京猿人已发现了如何生火。

    Findings indicate that Peking Man had discovered how to make fires .

  8. 北京猿人遗址灰烬样品的分选

    The separation of minerals in ash samples from the site of Peking Man

  9. 高精度热电离质谱铀系法测定北京猿人遗址年代初步结果

    Preliminary results on U-series dating of Peking Man Site with high precision tims

  10. 莉萨真的很喜欢参观北京猿人的遗址。

    Lisa really enjoyed visiting Peking Man 's home .

  11. 北京猿人曾划为该属。

    Genus to which Peking man was formerly assigned .

  12. 这位考古学家正在实地搜集北京猿人的新资料。

    The archaeologist was in the field gathering new evidence on the Beijing man .

  13. 书介&《北京猿人遗址综合研究》

    Book introduction & 《 mulite-disciplinary study of the Peking Man Site at zhoukoudian 》

  14. 现代人类起源新说与北京猿人的归属北京猿人的环境与文化

    The New Idea of Modern Human Origin and the Classification of Beijing Homo erectus

  15. 北京猿人生活时期自然环境及其变迁的探讨

    Environmental change in Peking man 's time

  16. 北京猿人洞穴堆积气候地层的重新划分与对比

    Climatic stratigraphic re-division and correlation of cave sediments at locality 1 in zhoukoudian , Beijing

  17. 这就是北京猿人洞了。

    Here 's the Peking Man Cave .

  18. 北京猿人第一个头盖骨出土于第11层而非第10层&纪念裴文中教授诞辰100周年

    The first skull of Peking man was found in layer 11 , not in layer 10

  19. 最初,人们认为北京猿人生活在距今约40万至50万年前的周口店地区。

    Peking Man was first believed to have lived in Zhoukoudian about 400000 to500000 years ago .

  20. 猿人洞的溶洞演化和堆积旋回与北京猿人生活环境

    Evolutional process and depositional cycles of Peking Man Cave w relation to the living environments of Peking Man

  21. 北京猿人洞堆积旋回与黄土和深海气候旋回对比

    Depositional cycles of Peking man cave and their comparison with the Loess depositional cycles and the climatic cycles of deep sea cores

  22. 北京猿人第一个头盖骨及其遗址堆积层年代的电子自旋共振测年研究

    Study of ESR dating for burying age of the first skull of Peking man and chronological scale of the cave deposit in Zhoukoudian site loc . 1

  23. 上世纪20年代,考古学家发现了一块完整的北京猿人颅骨,其后,挖掘出了更多的颅骨、石头以及骨骼。

    In the1920s , archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man . Later , more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed .

  24. 单一地区起源说表明要修改的,只不过是北京猿人等直立人不是现代中国人的直接祖先而已。

    Even if Beijing and other Homo erectus are not the direct ancestor of modern Chinese people , they still belong to the realm of human beings .

  25. 对北京猿人洞牙化石釉质层的铡年研究表明,年龄数据稳定可靠,可与有关测年法结果对比。

    The results of ESR dating for the fossil tooth enamel from the Peking Man site show that ESR dating is reliable , and is comparable with other dating methods .

  26. 南京汤山直立人头骨的复原和更新世中期直立人的地理变异周口店北京猿人洞骨化石铀系年龄数据&混合模式

    The reconstruction of Homo erectus cranium from tangshan , nanjing , and the geographic variation of Homo erectus in Middle Pleistocene uranium-series dating of fossil bones from Peking man cave-mixing model

  27. 我相信北京猿人中后期已经掌握了人工取火技术,从那时算起到火的广泛应用,也经历了几十万年的时间。

    I believe that Peking Man had grasped the technique of making fire at their middle and late period of life , but from that time to using fire widely also cost several hundred thousands of years .

  28. 用铀的线性积累模式计算北京周口店猿人洞牙齿化石的ESR年龄,并与U系、裂变径迹法和热释光法的年龄进行了对比,结果表明釉质齿最适合ESR年龄的测定。

    Their ESR ages were calculated by the uranic linear accumulation model . The comparison of ESR ages with ages from U-series , FT and TL methods was performed . The results show that the enamel tooth is a suitable material for ESR dating .

  29. 对北京周口店猿人遗址第四地点洞穴的石笋进行了ESR测定,用封闭平衡模式计算了它们的ESR年龄,并与U系年龄进行了对比,发现这两种方法估计的平均年龄十分一致。

    The ESR dating of stalagmite samples from Choukoutien Cave is described . The close-equilibrium model was used to estimate the ESR age which was then compared with the U series age . The two average ages were found consistent , indicating the reliability of the ESR dating .

  30. 著名相声演员冯巩将会举起首棒,从北京周口店猿人遗址开始传递。

    Feng Gong , a popular crosstalk performer , will be the lead runner starting from the Zhoukoudian Museum at the Peking Man World Cultural Heritage Site .