
  • 网络beijing hotel;Peking Hotel;Beijing Restaurant;PEKING RESTAURANT
  1. 在塘沽装货比较合适。中国公司一名业务员与日本公司的经理在北京饭店就装运港问题进行了洽谈。

    A manager of a Japanese Company and a staff member of a Chinese corporation hold a discussion on the loading port at Beijing Hotel .

  2. 在服务台处问候客人,可以礼貌地说:WelcometoBeijingHotel(欢迎您入住北京饭店)。

    To greet someone at the reception , it is polite to say : Welcome to Beijing Hotel .

  3. 在北京饭店(BeijingHotel)舞厅的大屏幕上,双手插裤兜的派克缓步走向观众。

    On a big screen in the ballroom of the Beijing Hotel , Peck slowly walked towards the audience , hands in pockets .

  4. 北京饭店二期改扩建工程商业部分结构设计

    Structure Design on the Commercial Part of Beijing Hotel Project Phase ⅱ

  5. 明晚6点,在北京饭店。

    Beijing Hotel . Tomorrow evening , at 6 o'clock .

  6. 北京饭店消能减振抗震加固的静力弹塑性分析

    Pushover Analysis of Beijing Hotel Strengthened by Engergy Dissipation Technique

  7. 北京饭店地下车库防水设计与施工

    Waterproof Design and Construction of Underground Garage for Peking Hotel

  8. 从北京饭店到故宫有多远?

    How far is it from Beijing Hotel to the Palace Museum ?

  9. 这个女孩是北京饭店的前台接待员。

    The girl is a receptionist of the Beijing Hotel .

  10. 北京饭店是北京最好的饭店之一。

    Beijing Hotel is one of Beijing elite hotels .

  11. 前天我去北京饭店检查上月份的账目。

    I went to the Beijing Hotel to check last month 's accounts .

  12. 我们在北京饭店订一张两人桌,好吗?

    Let 's book a table for two in Beijing restaurant , shall we ?

  13. 我劝你不要去北京饭店。

    I wouldn 't recommend the Beijing restaurant .

  14. 在北京饭店抗震加固改造工程中,采用了消能减振新技术。

    Energy dissipation technology is used to upgrade the aseismic capacity of Beijing Hotel .

  15. 这是北京饭店,五星级呀。

    It 's Peking Hotel , Five Stars .

  16. 这无轨电车经过北京饭店吗?

    Does this trolley-bus pass Beijing hotel ?

  17. 我叫陆伟,在长安街北京饭店旁边。

    My name is Lu Wei . I am beside Beijing Hotel on Changan Street .

  18. 一辆外交部的小汽车六点一刻来到北京饭店接我们。

    A Foreign Ministry car picked us up at6 : 15 at the Beijing Hotel .

  19. 是北京饭店?

    C : Is that Beijing Hotel ?

  20. 我在北京饭店工作。

    I work at Beijing Hotel .

  21. 欢迎您入住北京饭店。

    Welcome to the Beijing hotel .

  22. 随着北京饭店莱佛士的盛大开业,富有传奇色彩的莱佛士的殷勤待客之道现已盛情扎根中国。

    With the opening of Raffles Beijing Hotel , the legendary Raffles hospitality has now arrived in China .

  23. 等同事们离开北京饭店赴宴之后,他们把兔子和圆白菜一起塞进了同事的客房。

    The rabbits and lettuce were inserted into their colleagues'Beijing Hotel room after they had left for the banquet .

  24. 北京饭店等重要建筑的消能减振抗震加固设计方法

    Structural Analyses and Design of Seismic Retrofitting with Energy Dissipation Dampers for Beijing Hotel and Other Key Buildings in Beijing

  25. 今晚我们在北京饭店请客,请各位光临。

    We are going to give a dinner party at the Beijing Hotel this evening and would like to invite you all .

  26. 年夏季奥运会所形成的巨大市场需求更给如火如荼的北京饭店业增添了新的动力。

    The huge market demand in 2008 Summer Olympics brings the new momentums for the Beijing hotel industry like a raging fire .

  27. 除非你立在最高的天坛房顶,那麽有可能看见那老的北京饭店。

    Unless , one stand on the peak roof of the Temple of Heaven , then it may be possibly seen that Old Beijing Hotel .

  28. 本文根据建筑结构抗震规范规定的振型分解反应谱法和时程分析法,对采用消能减振装置加固的北京饭店西楼进行分析与设计。

    The seismic structural analyses and design are carried out by means of response spectrum and time history methods for the west wing of Beijing Hotel .

  29. 不管客人是住在友谊宾馆还是北京饭店,此时距可口可乐、凯迪拉克或奶酪汉堡涌入北京的时代尚远。

    No matter whether visitors stayed at the Friendship or Beijing Hotel , this was before the arrival of era of Coca Cola , Cadillacs , or cheeseburgers in Beijing .

  30. 本文提出一种封闭循环滤波方法,根据等效线性化原理,利用新北京饭店在唐山地震中的强震观测记录,识别建筑物模态参数的时变特性。

    In this paper an equivalent linearization and a closed-loop filter method are provided to identify time-variant modal parameters of the new Beijing Hotel Building using strong earthquake records obtained from Tangshan Earthquake .