
  • 网络BEILUN;Beilun port
  1. 北仑港自然条件得天独厚。

    The Beilun harbor is blessed with advantageous natural conditions .

  2. 浙江北仑港地区宁波组海生化石的发现及其地质意义

    Marine fossils in Ningbo formation , Beilun harbour district , and the geological significance

  3. 北仑港及邻近海区潮汐特性初探

    Analysis of the Tidal Features in the Beilun Port and Its Adjacent Sea Area

  4. 宁波北仑港冬季浮游细菌多样性研究

    Bacterioplankton diversity of Beilun Harbor in winter Ningbo

  5. 北仑港码头钢管桩防护方案介绍

    An Introduction to the Protective Measures for Steel Pipe Piles of Wharf in Beilun Port

  6. 北仑港的兴起,还带动了当地一些地方企业的发展。

    The rise of Beilun port also gives impetus to the development of some local enterprises .

  7. 北仑港波浪分布特征及设计波要素的推算

    Characteristics of wave distribution and calculation of planning wave factors of the sea area adjacent to Beilun port

  8. 浙江北仑港海陆相沉积物物理力学与声学参数的对比研究

    Study on correlation of physico-mechanical and acoustical parameters for marine and terrestrial sediments of Beilun harbour , Zhejiang

  9. 鉴于目前上海港缺少深水港,又由于宁波港北仑港的特殊位置,设想以宁波北仑港作为上海深水外港,探讨了其可行性以及相应的船型。

    The feasibility and the ship type regarding the Beilun Port as the outside Port of Shanghai are analyzed .

  10. 北靠北仑港,是我国东南沿海重要的水陆交通枢纽。

    Beilun port in the north , along the southeast coast of China 's major sea and land transport hub .

  11. 本公司地处浙中沿海,北仑港,经济发达交通便捷。

    Our company is located in the seaside of middle of Zhejiang and Beilun seaport with advanced economy and convenient transportation .

  12. 宁波开发区前沿的宁波北仑港,有“东方大港”和“东方鹿特丹”的美称。

    Beilun Port leading to NETD , is known as both the Oriental Super Port and the Rotterdam of the East .

  13. 宁波北仑港2.5万吨级装船码头上部结构破坏调查及维修方案建议

    An Investigation on the Damage of Upper Structures and A Suggestion of Maintenance Schemes of 250,000 dwt Loading Wharf of Beilun Port

  14. 鉴于北仑港工程开发需要,本文最后对设计水位、校核水位进行了计算。

    For the need of the development of Beilun Port , the design water level and the check water level have been also presented .

  15. 给出北仑港电厂循环水泵房沉井地基灌浆加固计算分析实例。

    As an example , the groundsill grouting reinforce calculation and analysis for circulative pump room of Beilun port power plant is presented in this paper .

  16. 距北仑港仅10公里,临近杭甬高速公路入口处,风景优美、交通便捷。

    Harbor of the logical sequence that be apart from north only 10 kilometers , draw near point of entry of Hang Yong freeway , scenery beautiful , traffic is convenient .

  17. 北仑港虽然位于杭州湾口门南岸,但是本海区潮汐特性与杭州湾及浙江省其他海区明显不同。

    Although the Beilun Port is at the south bank of the mouth of Hangzhou Bay , its tidal features are different from that in the bag and in other areas off Zhejiang Province .

  18. 强夯法加固北仑港集装箱堆场强夯法加固软基对重力式方块码头结构稳定性的影响

    Consolidation of Foundation by Heavy Ramming Method for The Container Yard in Port of Beilun Analysis on the Stability of a Block Gravity Wall under the Action of Heavy Ramming at the Rear Part of Wall