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  1. 熊老派了游骑兵北出长城去找他。

    The Old Bear had sent out rangers in search of him .

  2. 宣化位于河北省西北部,北依明长城,南跨桑干河,腹穿洋河与京包铁路。

    Xuanhua located in the northwest of Hebei Province , north-Ming Great Wall , Southern Cross Sanggan River , abdominal Yanghe wear and Beijing railway package .

  3. 陕北黄土高原分布于“北山”之北,长城沿线之南,是中国黄土高原地貌景观的重要组成部分。

    Shaanbei Loess Plateau , which is located in north Shaanxi from Beishan Mountain to Great Wall , is one of the landscapes of China Loess Plateau .

  4. 上世纪80年代,中国政府为了解决水资源短缺的问题,使得天津以北沿海地区长城的一部分被淹没。

    In the early 1980s , the Chinese government flooded the northern coastal area of Tianjin crossed by the Great Wall to resolve water shortages .

  5. 碳酸盐岩地球化学特征与沉积环境判别意义&以冀北坳陷长城系高于庄组为例

    Geochemical characters of carbonates and indicative significance of sedimentary environment & an example from the Gaoyuzhuang Formation of the Changcheng System in the northern Hebei Depression