
  • 网络matching principle
  1. 高超音速热流数值计算中的误差匹配原则

    Error matching principle for heat transfer calculations in hypersonic flow simulations

  2. 太阳能热利用工程中空气源热泵的匹配原则

    The Matching Principle of Air-source Heat Pump in Solar Energy Utilization Engineering

  3. c.电路与马达的匹配原则是匹配后的最小相位为零。

    ( c ) The principle of matching the motor with its driving circuit is to get their minimum phase to be zero .

  4. 探讨了在简单路网区域内GPS/DR导航的智能地图匹配原则和方法,该法不仅能够消除DR的误差累计,提高定位精度,而且试验结果表明,在市郊的路网中匹配良好。

    The paper discusses the intelligent principles and methods used in simple road nets region , the experiment results show that the methods work well in suburban road nets .

  5. 根据功率匹配原则,讨论了阀控非对称动力机构(阀控单活塞杆液压缸)的负载压力pL和负载流量QL,以供对其静动态特性研究及优化设计作参考。

    This paper discusses , according to power matching rule , the load pressure P_L and flow capacity Q_L of valve-control asymmetric actuating unit , which offers a reference to study on its kinematics and dynamic characteristics and optimum design .

  6. 本文从信息能量的观点出发,在分折发电式传感器与参数式传感器信息能量传输机制上的差别基础上,讨论了发电式传感器配用电路设计中的匹配原则以及从匹配原则后退的有关问题。

    Starting from the Information-Energy view Point , this paper anal -

  7. 另外根据药型的选择要满足阻抗匹配原则。

    In addition , selection of dynamite type should satisfy impedance matching principle .

  8. 并利用夹点匹配原则合成了新的氢气网络,实现最小氢气使用量的目标。

    The pinch point means the minimum utility target .

  9. 基于小面元匹配原则的热红外假目标评价方法

    Evaluating Method for Effect of Decoy in Infrared Band Based on Small Patches Registration

  10. 以结构层寿命匹配原则设计沥青路面的方法;

    The design method of asphalt pavement with the concept of structure layer life matching ;

  11. 基于匹配原则的赛事潜在赞助商识别分析

    The Analyzes of the Sports Event Potential Sponsor 's Distinguishes Based on the Match Principle

  12. 在读女硕士生应该认识到择偶中的匹配原则,即两个人要有必要的相似性,又要有一定的互补性。

    They should realize the matching principle that two people have the necessary similarity and a certain amount of complementary to each other .

  13. 在考虑投资费用前提下两侧换热表面的选择应遵循的不等效匹配原则。

    The optimal match is not equivalent effect with consideration of investment cost , and is different from the traditional equivalent heat resistance match .

  14. 本文研究的结论对于合理地设计画面灰度标识使之符合人机匹配原则具有意义。

    The conclusions given in this paper are significant in designing gray level symbols of a pattern to match the visual needs in the man-machine system .

  15. 分析了电磁作用使空气流率增加的原因,选取了一组优化的设计参数进行数值模拟,确定了磁流体关键参数与进气道主要性能参数的匹配原则。

    The results show that the magnitude and direction of magnetic induction and the position of the MHD interaction region have important influence on the performance of the inlet .

  16. 还要注重动态原则、资源与经营范围匹配原则以及产品盈利与风险匹配原则等。

    The product evaluation and the optimized product mix must focus on the dynamic principle and the principle of match between resources and operation dimension , profit and venture .

  17. 本文对分子轨道理论教学中关于对称性匹配原则,最大重叠原则,分子轨道符号及反键效应等几个问题进行了讨论。

    The present author discusses the symmetricalmatching principle , the maximum overlapping principle , the molecule orbitalsymbols and the anti-bond effect in the teaching of the molecule orbital theory .

  18. 研究不同焊接条件下焊缝金属熔化效率的变化规律,提出激光-TIG双面焊热源最佳的能量匹配原则和位置条件。

    The transformation rules of the melting efficiency were investigated under different experimental conditions . The optimal energy matching and position conditions of the laser and the arc were put forward .

  19. 因此,本文所提出的电机功率匹配原则及计算公式,可用于指导电动伺服冲箱式造波机的动力设计。

    Therefore , the power matching principle of the motor and the theoretical calculation formulae is guidable when the power design of the motor-driven shock tank type wave maker is concerned .

  20. 本文主要介绍调速型液力偶合器的结构及工作原理、性能和影响性能的诸多因素,以及不同负载的匹配原则。

    The paper mainly introduces the structure , work principle , performance , the factors which influence the performance and the matching principle under different load of the variable speed fluid coupling .

  21. 并提出了使这两种泵所组成的容积节流调速回路,实现泵和回路共同工作在最佳节能工况的匹配原则和调整方法。

    And puts relevant criterion and adjustment method with which these two pumps and circuit are made operate together in optimum saving-energy state in volume-flow control circuit consisting of these two pumps .

  22. 通过对粘性边界层的数值模拟和误差分析,提出了差分格式的误差匹配原则。

    An error matching principle , which is base on the error analysis of the computations with high-aspect-ratio grids , is derived for the finite difference simulation of the viscous boundary layer flows .

  23. 同时指出收益现值法的应用必须符合特定条件,严格遵循评估方法与资产业务的匹配原则。

    And it points out the application of the method must be in accordance with privileged conditions , strictly observes the principle which the method of the asset assessment consists of asset operation .

  24. 先从滤波器和信号的频域特性出发给出了滤波器在频域的采样率匹配原则。

    According to the frequency domain character of the filter and signal , the sampling rate matching principle of the filter in frequency domain is given in the first part of the paper .

  25. 本文从天然气发电机组实验台架的设计入手,对天然气发动机进行了选择、改装,同时根据匹配原则选取了发电机,并组建了实验台架;

    The paper begins with design of natural gas generating unit , choose and modify the natural gas engine , choose the generator on the base of matching principle , establish the experimental platform ;

  26. 从计算实践中总结出尺寸匹配原则,以达到消除端基影响和避免模拟偏离实际的目的。

    Above all , the " Principle of dimension matching " was summarized from the practice , so that the effect of chain-terminating atoms would be ignored and the deviation of simulation was reduced .

  27. 其间,论文还利用所提取的特征点,通过一种匹配原则实现对两光谱的同类特征点的对应以便度量信息量。

    In order to measure information content , the paper also utilized the extracting feature points , and realized the correspondence of similar feature points in two spectral images on the base of matching principle .

  28. 通过对磨料射流理论及射流系统的理论分析,总结出系统参数与水力参数之间的各种关系,并建立了磨料射流清洗系统匹配原则。

    By analyzing the theory and applications of abrasive wate jet , it summarizes the relationship between system parameters and hydraulic parameters , and builds up the matching principle of abrasive water jet cleaning system .

  29. 首先,根据本变速器所应用车型的整车参数以及电机与变速器的匹配原则,对整个变速器的各部件进行选型和参数设计。

    Meanwhile , it improves the electric vehicle performance greatly . Firstly , according to the matching principle of the motor and the transmission and vehicle parameters , select and design each part of the transmission .

  30. 本文在对冲箱式造波机输出功率进行理论分析的基础上,提出了基于造波机平均负载的电机功率匹配原则及计算公式,并结合实例进行了理论计算。

    With theoretical analysis of the output power of the wave maker , the study brings forward power matching principle and calculating formulae based on the average load , and applies them into theoretical calculation of a case .