
  • Transportation within the area;【交】intra zone traffic
  1. 区内交通发达,水源、电力充足,环境无污染。

    The zone has convenient communications , adequate resources of water and power , and no pollution .

  2. 在调查的基础上,论文概括了高架道路下匝道地面交织区内交通流的运行特征。

    Through field survey , the paper generalized the operating characteristic of traffic flow at off-ramp terminal weaving section .

  3. 然而,车道数减少,车辆变道频繁,使得施工作业区内交通环境非常复杂,采用何种交通措施控制施工作业区,既能保证交通运行的效率,又能提高行车的安全具有重要的研究价值。

    However , reducing of the number of lanes and the changing lanes frequently make the traffic environment of the work zone be very complex .

  4. 从分析大别山交通现状着手,认为大别山区经济发展滞后的主要制约因素之一是区内交通的落后。

    In this paper , on the basis of the existing circumstances of the transportation , the author suggests that one of the main factors of the backward economic development is the poor transportation .

  5. 由于内环路仍未建成且由于高成本和拆除已有建筑的高难度而道路标准较低,大部分区内交通不得不利用二环路完成。

    As the Inner Ring road is still incomplete and of low standard due to the high costs and difficulty of demolition of existing housing , most inter-district traffic has to use the Second Ring Road .

  6. 长三角地区经济的快速发展是城际运输联系增强的推进器,区内交通轴线成为重要经济增长轴,南翼浙江借助于港口优势,其经济高速发展态势直逼北翼的苏南地区。

    Regional rapid economic development promoted to strengthen trans-city transport links . Regional traffic axis became important economic growth axle and the strong economic development trend of Zhejiang in southern plate was approaching the northern wing of Changjiang River Delta .

  7. 利用公交枢纽优化中心商业区内的交通流分布

    Optimizing Traffic Flow in Central Business District with Bus Terminal

  8. 但在我国的生态脆弱区内,交通工程的生态影响和生态恢复与实际相结合的研究还较少。

    But in ecology fragile district of our country , ecological impact of traffic engineering and ecology research combined with reality to restore also less .

  9. 再次,通过实地调查,对立交改扩建施工区内的交通特性及安全因素进行分析,针对单喇叭型互通式立交改扩建提出了具体的交通组织方案和交通组织实施策略。

    Third , via practical survey , analyze traffic character and factor of safety in construction area . Direct at enlargement and alteration of trumpet interchange , raise specific traffic organization scheme and implementation strategy .

  10. 这一良好机遇在推动皖江城市带经济发展的同时,也会强化皖江城市带区内和区际交通联系,对皖江城市带交通的组织提出了更高的要求。

    This is a good opportunity to promote its economic development and strengthen its regional and interregional traffic . Then it put forward a higher request to optimize traffic spatial organization .