
  1. 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

    Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism ?

  2. 在瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)在香港举办的一个投资者会议上,马云说:人们始终在问我,美国电商和中国电商的区别在哪里。

    People always ask me what is the difference between ecommerce in the US and ecommerce in China , Mr Ma said at an investor conference held by Credit Suisse in Hong Kong .

  3. 私产公产企业产二手房的区别在哪里?

    Private enterprise off public property used in the Housing distinction ?

  4. 网络课程和实际课堂的区别在哪里?

    Are there differences between the online courses and real class learning ?

  5. 美国大学各个排名之间的区别在哪里?

    What is the difference in U.S.college ranking ?, and .

  6. 亚洲人的脚型特点和非洲人、欧美人的区别在哪里?

    How is the Asian foot type different from Africans and Westerners ?

  7. 公有制公司与私有制公司的区别在哪里?

    What is the difference between a public company and a private one ?

  8. 你们和竞争对手的区别在哪里?

    How are you different from your competitors ?

  9. 区别在哪里?米哈尔科夫的影片长两个半小时,让每个陪审员都讲述了自己的人生故事。

    Mikhalkov 's film takes two and a half hours and lets every juror spill his life story .

  10. 城市商业银行与国家商业银行,股分制商业银行的区别在哪里?

    Urban commercial bank and national commercial bank , where is the distinction that cent makes a commercial bank ?

  11. 我们在创新时立足点放在哪里,与纯艺术手工艺的区别在哪里?

    What is the foothold of its innovation , and what is the difference between it and pure arts and crafts ?

  12. 被试者们的反馈速度对实验至关重要,因为正是这种快速的、无意识的联想能够揭示出偏见与清醒状态下的信仰区别在哪里。

    The speed with which the subjects respond is an important element of the experiment because these quick , unconscious connections can reveal biases that differ from conscious beliefs .

  13. 然而比以上内容更有趣、更有意义的是:左撇子究竟是什么,其特征是什么,他们和右撇子的区别在哪里?

    However , more interesting than the above , more meaningful is : what is left-handed , which is characterized by what they and the right-handed son of the differences ?

  14. 那么,到这里就出现了一个很有意思的问题,那就是下面这两种情况的区别在哪里?,当然我们关心的是能量的多少。

    So , this raises kind of an interesting question in terms of what the difference is between these two cases , and we 're talking about numbers of energy .

  15. 我们常常会碰到外形同一个产品,功能差不多,为什么价格会差别这么多呢?你要真正的了解产品价格区别在哪里,再做一个判断。

    We often encounter the same product form , function similar to why the prices differ so much ? You to really understand where the price difference , do a judge .

  16. 国内外的机构也好,在你个人感觉里头,他们功能上,影响上,作用上区别在哪里?哪个更大,更重要。

    In terms of the function and the influence of collection either in China or abroad , what 's the difference between them and which one is bigger and more important in your mind ?

  17. 与此同时,我们必须不断评估,人类与计算机学习之间的本质区别究竟在哪里,而对学生而言,长期看来什么才是最实际和有用的。

    At the same time , we must continually re-evaluate what is inherently different between human and computer learning , and what is practical and useful to students for the long haul .

  18. 在这里有一个普遍问题:在运行期间使用JNDI和JDBC有什么区别?优点在哪里?

    At this point , one of the common questions is : What 's the difference between using JNDI rather than JDBC at run time , and what 's the advantage ?