
  • 网络Regional image;regional identity
  1. 区域形象战略研究&兼论广西区域形象战略

    Research on Regional Identity Strategy & a case of Guangxi Identity Strategy

  2. 区域形象设计的理论与应用研究&以安徽形象设计为例

    A theoretical and Application Research on regional identity system & a case of Anhui identity system

  3. 区域形象的概念分析及其营销框架

    The Concept of Regional Image and the Construction of Its Marketing Framework

  4. 报纸的新闻报道对区域形象具有传播和塑造的作用。

    The news report in newspapers can spread and shape regional image .

  5. 论吉林省区域形象对振兴吉林老工业基地的作用

    The Function of Reginal Image in Rejuvenating Jilin Province Old Industry Base

  6. 良好的区域形象可以促进区域经济的可持续发展。

    The favorable regional image can promote regional development .

  7. 试论区域形象设计与区域建设问题

    On the regional image design and regional constraction

  8. 良好的区域形象是促进地区发展的重要因素。

    Good image of the region is an important factor in promoting regional development .

  9. 苏州市区域形象新论

    Discussion on the Images of Suzhou City

  10. 区域形象是对这一区域的认知和评估,是历史的积累。

    Region image is the recognize and appraisal of this region , is historical accumulation .

  11. 区域形象&以海淀区为解读对象

    Region image - regard Haidian District

  12. 秦皇岛市区域形象建设问题研究

    Research on Regional Image of Qinhuangdao

  13. 区域形象系统探索

    Researches on the District Identity System

  14. 论区域形象与区域发展

    On the regional image and development

  15. 中国省级区域形象设计工程的理论模型&安徽省形象设计个案的实践与理论总结

    THEORETIC MODEL FOR PROVINCIAL IMAGE DESIGN & Practice of Anhui Provincial Image Design and its Theoretic Conclusion

  16. 本研究以阿坝州区域形象为研究背景,以阿坝州旅游土特产为研究对象。

    Based on regional image as the research background , the Aba tourism products as the research object .

  17. 铜鼓作为广西历史上的民族图腾,是区域形象和民族形象的象征。

    As ethnic totem in Guangxi history , bronze drum is the symbol of regional and ethnic image .

  18. 要塑造吉林省良好的区域形象,应从外在形象、行为规范、精神理念三个方面入手。

    To form a good image , We should do from three aspects : the outside image , behavior norm , spirit concept .

  19. 旅游区域形象作为城市的名片,对城市的发展起着推动作用。

    The tourism regions , as the " name cards " of a city , play an important role in promoting the development of the city .

  20. 在发展竞争越来越激烈的今天,良好的区域形象是一种优质资源,对促进区域社会经济发展起到重要作用,这已成为人们的共识。

    Nowadays , a good image is a high-quality resource of a region , it plays an important role in promoting regional social and economic development .

  21. 近年来,区域形象的价值已经被越来越多的省、市认识并重视。

    In recent years , the value of the image of the region has been recognized and taken seriously by a growing number of provinces and cities .

  22. 区域形象有一个很长的发展形成过程,反映一个区域的环境、素质和声誉,是经济发展的重要资源。

    Region image has had a long developing process . Region image reflects region 's environment , character and prestige , is an important resource for economic development .

  23. 发现甘肃省在面对这样的大型媒介事件时,对于媒介事件塑造区域形象的强大力量认识不足。

    We found that Gansu province did not fully understand the great power of the Media Event in shaping the regional image when face such a large media event .

  24. 区域形象建构与传播属于政府大型公关活动,其主体是政府。

    Regional image belongs to the field of image , whose main body of construction and diffusion is the government , including its large-scale public relation activities and behavior .

  25. 通过对品牌创新与区域形象、地区经济实力等关系的研究,提出了品牌创新对区域经济发展作用的理论;

    Points out the theory of the influence of brand innovation on the development of regional economy by studying the relationship between brand innovation and regional image and economic strength ;

  26. 首次对鱼峰区的区域形象进行了定位,该项工作将对其区域经济尤其是旅游业的长期发展产生有益的影响。

    In this thesis , the regional images of Yufeng district is defined for the first time , which will benefit the long-term development of the regional economics especially the tourism industry .

  27. 中部地区必须形成合力,积极塑造区域形象,加强区域间的合作和交流,实行分工创新战略,大力调整产业结构,提升地区的经济竞争力,实现跨越式发展。

    The middle part must bring into being composition of forces , shaping the visualization , strengthening cooperate and communion between areas , actualizing stratagem of divide the work innovation , actively adjusting the industry structure .

  28. 目前,全国各地正在兴起区域形象设计与建设的浪潮,但如何把区域形象信息系统地传递出去,这方面的理论研究大大落后于实践。

    At present , the wave of the district identity design and construction is emerging , but how to transmit completely information of the district identity , the research of this theory is greatly falling behind the practice .

  29. 同时,从议题设置和形象塑造理论角度出发,对新疆形象塑造提出了建议,并对大众媒介对区域形象塑造进行了思考。

    At the same time , the question set and the image of the shape from the theoretical point of view , image building Xinjiang suggestions , and mass media shape the image of the region were thinking .

  30. 入境旅游在旅游业中占有重要的位置,对增加外汇收入、促进国际收支平衡、提升区域形象、带动相关产业发展等有着重要的意义。

    Inbound tourism in tourism occupies an important position , to increase foreign exchange income , promoting the balance of international payments , enhancement of regional image , driving the development of relative industries and so has important significance .