
shí èr yuè
  • December;Dec.;the twelfth month of the lunar year
十二月[shí èr yuè]
  1. 她现在回顾十二月里那决定性的一天。

    She looked back now to that fateful day in December .

  2. 展览将于十二月十九日至一月三日在学校礼堂举行。

    Exhibition The exhibition will be held from 19 December to 3 January in our school hall .

  3. 十二月是寒冷多雪的。

    It 's cold and snowy in december .

  4. 冬天是从十二月到二月。

    Winter lasts from December to February .

  5. 大家都怪他不懂礼貌。于是便有好心的人教他说,下次鞠躬的时候,你就在心里数:正月、二月、……一直数到十二月为止,然后再直起身来。

    Then some warmhearted men taught him , When you bow to somebody next time , you can count ' January , February , March . until December . Then you can lift your body up .

  6. 十二月中旬,EarlyAction同学可在网上得知录取结果。

    Middle of December : Early Action admissions decisions are available online .

  7. 更改日期范围(将公司B移至十二月)

    Change the date range ( Company B moves to December )

  8. 在十二月,Mark发表了博文“大规模分布式事务”。

    In December , Mark blogged on " Large-Scale Distributed Transactions " .

  9. 最初,微软公司将PHP作为竞争对手,并于1996年十二月发布了与之抗衡的产品&ASP(ActiveServerPages)。

    Microsoft initially saw PHP as a competitor and released the rival product ASP , or Active Server Pages , in December of1996 .

  10. CFA协会会员一年是否是从一月到十二月?

    Does the CFA Institute membership year run from January to December ?

  11. 坎迪斯:我心爱的小猫Spicy去年十二月去了另一边。

    Candace : My beloved kitty " Spicy " passed to the Other Side last December .

  12. 就存款回流作出调整后,港元货币供应M3的增长温和,一九九九年十二月的按年计增长率为4.5%。

    Adjusted for the repatriation of deposits , the growth of HK $ M3 was rather moderate , at4.5 per cent year-on-year in December .

  13. 消防到达一个艾因荷德十二月42010在Ein荷德,以色列的主要道路。

    Fire reaches a main road to Ein Hod December , 4,2010 in Ein Hod , Israel .

  14. 红十字会被要求在十二月中旬期限前提交如何按照FDA要求修改的报告,否则将要面临更严重的惩罚。

    The Red Cross was given a mid-December deadline to produce a report on how it intended to comply with FDA requirements , or possibly be subject to additional penalties .

  15. 您将于二OO二年元月一日开始任职。本职将使您获酬每月六千港币。这个医疗会议已于西元两千零六年的十二月二十日于台北举行。

    You are to start as of 1st January , 2002 . For this work you are to be paid HK $ 6,000 monthly . The medical convention was held in Taipei on Dec. 20 , 2006 .

  16. 去年十二月,二手车经销商AutobahnMotors建造了一个未来感十足、有15层楼高的展厅,配有60个汽车展示窗口,号称是“世界上最大的豪车自动售货机”。

    Used car seller Autobahn Motors opened a futuristic 15-story showroom in December , with vehicles on display in 60 slots , billing it as the " world 's largest luxury car vending machine . "

  17. 在十二月23日,GIOVE-A已经由于软件问题被延迟长达二天发射。

    As of23 December , GIOVE-A 's launch had already been delayed for two days due to software problems .

  18. 一九八七年十二月,CBMW在马萨诸塞州的丹福市召开会议,多位福音派领袖起草了本宣言。

    This statement was prepared by several evangelical leaders at a CBMW meeting in Danvers , Massachusetts , in December of1987 .

  19. 从十二月一日至二十四日德国人称为“Adventszeit”,那是“圣诞夜前的等待”的意思。

    The Germans call the time from December1st to December24th " Adventszeit " which means the time before Christmas Eve .

  20. 今年早些时候,爱丁堡大学的迈克·路德维格(MikeLudwig)在《神经内分泌学杂志》撰文预测道:到了十二月,“我们会不可避免的再一次成为圣诞荷尔蒙作用的俘虏。”

    Writing in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology earlier this year , the University of Edinburgh 's Mike Ludwig , predicted that come December , " it is inevitable that , once again , we will again totally surrender to the effects of our Christmas hormones . "

  21. 要知道,在一月上旬的时候,HGNSI还是60.9%,而再早一些的去年十二月,这一情绪指标一度高达68%。

    In early January , in contrast , the HGNSI stood at60.9 % . And last December this sentiment index got as high as68 % .

  22. 十二月,她丈夫的亲友SeanHannity问她,会不会因为那些以攻击她的身份来牟利的事情而难受。

    In December , Sean Hannity , a close ally of her husband 's , asked whether she felt injured by what she described as " opportunists " using her family 's name for their own gain .

  23. 两人地下恋情进展迅速(去年十二月甚至一块儿买了圣诞树),公开表态是在九月多伦多举办的活动InvictusGames上。当时两人手牵着手走进轮椅网球赛场。

    While their relationship has been moving along very quickly behind the scenes ( they even chose their first Christmas tree together last December ) , the first public show of affection between the royal couple was at the Invictus Games in Toronto in September , when the two walked hand-in-hand into the wheelchair tennis event .

  24. 加施也是在GLBRC和合作,对本集团的研究研究,是在遗传学十二月号发表作品的作家研究员-遗传学会在美国的科学杂志上。

    Gasch is also a researcher at the GLBRC and co-author of a study on the group 's research that was published in the December issue of Genetics-the Genetics Society of America 's scientific journal .

  25. 秋季学期始于九月结束于十二月。

    The autumn term begins in September and ends in December .

  26. 国防部长罗伯特盖茨预计结果将于十二月一日揭晓。

    Defense Secretary Robert Gates expects the results by December first .

  27. 公司决定于十二月召开股东会议。

    The company have decide to hold the meeting in december .

  28. 澳大利亚的十二月,一月和二月是夏天。

    December , January and February are summer months in Australia .

  29. 一根十二月里的光秃秃的无花果枝丫擦刮着玻璃窗。

    Now a nude December fig branch grates against the window .

  30. 每年的十二月一日是世界爱滋病日。

    World AIDS Day falls on the1st of December every year .