
shí zì jūn dōnɡ zhēnɡ
  • Crusades;Eastward Aggressions of Crusades
  1. 十字军东征在700多年前就结束了。

    The Crusades ended some 700 years ago .

  2. 十字军东征削弱了封建主义制度,弱化了教会的统治,并使意大利的一些城市成为地中海商业贸易的超级力量。

    The crusades weakened feudalism , reduced the rule of the church , and made the Italian cities become a superpower to Mediterranean trade .

  3. 为什么他要将十字军东征和ISIS作比较?

    And why did he compare the Crusades to ISIS ?

  4. 西欧社会变动与十字军东征的进程

    Social Changes of Western Europe and the Course of the Crusade

  5. 罗马教廷对“野蛮的”十字军东征改变了看法。

    Vatican had a change of heart over ' barbaric ' Crusades .

  6. 试论十字军东征对骑士精神品质的塑造与影响

    On the Influence of Crusade on the Spirit of Knight

  7. 论第四次十字军东征改变方向的原因

    Causes of the Direction Changing in 4 ~ ( th ) Crusade

  8. 由于这些国家受到威胁,导致后来教宗又发起几次十字军东征。

    Threats to the states led the pope to call for future crusades .

  9. 这本书有很大一部分是讲十字军东征那段历史的。

    A substantial part of the book covers the period of the Crusades .

  10. 11至13世纪的十字军东征期间,欧洲人开始对中东有所了解。

    The Middle East had become known to Europeans during the11th-13th century crusades .

  11. 第一次真正的十字军东征时攻下了耶路撒冷。

    In the first real crusade Jerusalem was captured .

  12. 欧洲人发动的十字军东征以失败告终。

    Europe lost the wars of the Crusades .

  13. 1110年的今天,第一次十字军东征:十字军占领了西顿(黎巴嫩西南部港市,即赛伊达)。

    1110-First Crusade : The Crusaders conquer Sidon .

  14. 西方国家里有没有人注意到,很少有人支持西方对乌克兰的十字军东征?

    Has anyone in the region noticed that few back its crusade in Ukraine ?

  15. 试论第一次十字军东征的宗教原因

    The Religious Causes of the First Crusade

  16. 典型的基督教将犹太人视为受害者,十字军东征胜利的见证者。

    Classic Christianity perceived Jews as victims , witnesses to the victory of the cross .

  17. 我同样会展示十字军东征和圣战的风险和回报的细节。

    I 'll also look in detail at the risks and rewards of crusades and jihads .

  18. 第六次十字军东征(1228&1229年)由神圣的罗马皇帝腓特烈二世率领。

    The Sixth Crusade ( 1228-1229 ) was led by Frederick II , the Holy Roman Emperor .

  19. 在第四次十字军东征时,威尼斯人占领了君士坦丁堡,并拥立另一支的拉丁皇帝。

    In the Fourth Crusade the Venetians took over Constantinople and established a line of Latin emperors .

  20. 从十字军东征以后,朝圣者已使该城市成为他们旅行的一个集中点。

    Ever since the Crusades , pilgrims had made the city a focal point of their travels .

  21. 当初所有人都觉得我们疯了,但在我们看来,这更象是一次十字军东征。菲尔蒂于2000年回忆道。

    Everyone said we were crazy but for us it was a crusade , she said in 2000 .

  22. 第一次十字军东征期间,基督教军队在巴勒斯坦沿岸占领的地区。

    Former territories on the Palestine coast taken by the Christian army during the first of the Crusades .

  23. 原物是在第四次十字军东征中,从君士坦丁堡的马车竞技场中偷出来的。

    The originals were stolen from Constantinople 's hippodrome , or chariot racing arena , during the Fourth Crusade .

  24. 十字军东征的真正原因(英文)红军东征总指挥部旧址建筑群研究

    Real Reasons for the Crusades Research on the architecture group in the East Journey headquarters site of Red Army

  25. 可相信的文艺复兴的原因:一是十字军东征,二是印刷术的发明。

    The believable causes of the Renaissance : ( 1 ) the Crusades ;( 2 ) the invention of printing .

  26. 为了攫取更多土地和金银,它甚至不惜发动十字军东征。

    In order to grab more land , gold and silver , the church even spared no expense to launch Crusades .

  27. 圣殿骑士团,是作战勇猛手段强硬的骑士团体,第一次十字军东征后为护卫朝圣者而组建。

    The Knights Templar , a fearsome and uncompromising order , were formed shortly after the First Crusade to protect pilgrims .

  28. 十字军东征最后的一场战争之后几百年,杰弗里•乔叟出生,那时正是文艺复兴的早期。

    Geoffrey Chaucer was born some hundred years after the last war of the Crusades , in the early part of the Renaissance .

  29. 当时,正值十字军东征,著名的英国国王狮心理查在返回英国的途中被敌人一名亲王俘虏。

    During the crusade , the king of England , Richard the Lionhearted was captured when he was on the way back to England .

  30. 第二部分记叙了军事修道团体兴起的大背景&十字军东征,并着重叙述了中世纪几大主要基督教军事修道团体的兴起过程;

    First of all , it described the big background for those military orders : crusade , and mentioned the origins of several main military orders .