
  1. 听君一席话,胜读十年书。

    I profit more from one consultation with you than from ten years of reading .

  2. 一日观世博,胜读十年书。

    One day in Expo is more rewarding that ten years ' reading .

  3. 他似乎已经在那所学校教了十年书了。

    He seems to have been teaching in that school for ten years .

  4. 与君一夕谈,胜读十年书

    One evening 's conversation with a superior man is Better than ten years of study

  5. 通过将社会科学文献出版社的十年皮书出版过程划分为兴起、发展、转型三个阶段。

    The Social Sciences Academic Press published the paper for 10-year , it can be divided into the process of the emergence , development and transformation in three phases .

  6. 当《决定性的十年》一书出版后,我收到过无数封来自30岁人的email,其中一封信中说道:

    I cannot tell you how many emails I have received from 30somethings since The Defining Decade came out , ones in which the writer says something like ,

  7. 由于现在大部分人都会选择近十年的畅销书进行阅读,越来越少的人会选择经典著作。

    Since most people read bestsellers printed in the past 10 years , it follows that virtually no one is reading the classics .

  8. 她研究撰写关于商业女性的文章长达十年,为本书带来了学术视角。

    She brings an academic perspective , having researched and written about women in business for a decade .