
qiān fēn zhī yī
  • thousandth;milli
千分之一[qiān fēn zhī yī]
  1. B:每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。

    B : Each day , we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount .

  2. 令人吃惊的图像证实了DNA折纸过程中有效地产生埃舍尔式的莫比乌斯带测量超过千分之一的人类头发的宽度减少。

    The startling images confirm that the DNA origami process efficiently produced Escher-like M ö bius strips measuring less than a thousandth the width of a human hair .

  3. 当我离开Wi-Fi覆盖范围,通话切换到Sprint网络的时候,不管是我还是我的通话对象,都没有发现网络切换带来毫秒(千分之一秒)的中断。

    Neither I nor the people with whom I was speaking could detect the millisecond pause when I left Wi-Fi range and the calls switched to Sprint .

  4. 他补充称,为避免汽车相撞,5G网络在理想状态下的时延为1毫秒(千分之一秒),相比之下,4G网络的时延为40-80毫秒。

    He added that 5G networks would ideally have a latency of one millisecond , compared with 40 to 80 milliseconds on 4G , to avoid collisions between cars .

  5. N2O在大气中的浓度仅为CO2的浓度的千分之一左右,但在同等浓度的情况下温室效应却是CO2的200~300倍;

    The concentration of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere is only two orders of magnitude lower than that of Carbon dioxide , however , its green house effect is about 200-300 times higher than that of carbon dioxide .

  6. 皮秒:千分之一纳秒。量度电脑处理速度的单位。符号是psec。

    Picosecond : One thousandth of a nanosecond . Measurement of computer processing speed . Abbreviated psec .

  7. 领导此项研究的Kripke指出:相对而言,睡这么少的人比较少&千分之一而已,而近乎有一半的人要睡8个小时甚至更多。

    Kripke , the new study 's leader , pointed out that relatively few people slept so little-1 in1,000-where as almost half of all people slept eight hours or more .

  8. 它包含金纳米颗粒,每个颗粒的直径约为0.06微米(相当于人类头发宽度的千分之一),这些颗粒与一种名为聚N-异丙基丙烯酰胺(pNIPAM)的凝胶状聚合物一起泡在水里。

    It contains gold nanoparticles , each about 0.06 microns , or a thousandth of the width of a human hair , in diameter in water with a gel-like polymer called pNIPAM .

  9. 你成功的机会只有千分之一,你几乎失败定了。

    It is a thousand to one but you 'll succeed .

  10. 电脑可以在千分之一秒内处理股票交易。

    Computers can process stock trades in thousandths of a second .

  11. 功率单位等于千分之一瓦特。

    A unit of power equal to one thousandth of a watt .

  12. 分析结果的误差小于千分之一。

    The error of the analysis result is less than 1 % .

  13. 服务器的睡醒交替频率必须在千分之一秒左右。

    Servers would have to sleep and wake at a millisecond rate .

  14. 被污染的药品只有千分之一。

    Abdul : Contaminated drugs are one in a million .

  15. 那只有千分之一的可能。

    That 's just like one time in a thousand , for real .

  16. (千分之一微米,十分之一纳米)现在仍被用来测量波长和原子间的距离。

    It is still used occasionally for measurements of wavelength or interatomic distance .

  17. 千分之一(10??-3?)秒。

    One thousandth ( 10-3 ) of a second .

  18. 计算机能在千分之一秒内算出两个十位数数字的乘积。

    The computer can multiply two 10-digit numbers in 1 / 1000 second .

  19. 每天支付合同总金额的千分之一。

    Each day we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount .

  20. 也就是千分之一毫米。

    That 's one thousandth of a millimeter .

  21. 只有千分之一的夫妇能够活到金婚纪念的年龄。

    Only the one of every thousand married couples lives to keep their golden wedding .

  22. 脂肪含量为千分之一左右。

    The fat content of about one-thousandth .

  23. 有预测称,该疾病的患病率超过了千分之一。

    Estimates are that the incidence of the condition is over 1 per 1000 births .

  24. 我们还只做到了所需要的努力的千分之一。

    We have performed something like one tenth of one percent of the required effort .

  25. 密尔:千分之一寸。

    Mil : One-thousandth of an inch .

  26. 在本研究的病例中细菌性脑膜炎的发生率是千分之一。

    And in that group , the risk of bacterial meningitis was one in a thousand .

  27. 将会有千分之一的几率你能得到一个绝对超棒的物品

    There 's going to be a 0.1 percent chance you get an absolutely awesome item .

  28. 一微米等于千分之一毫米。针头直径大约一毫米。

    One micron is a thousandth of a millimeter : a pinhead is about a millimeter across .

  29. 放射性单位等于千分之一居里。低强度全身放射性污染计数器

    A unit of radioactivity equal to one thousandth of a curie . low level whole body counter

  30. 知道啊!你的笔记中有的!气凝胶相当的轻,轻到密度只有玻璃的千分之一。

    F : Sure.That was in your notes.And it 's incredibly light-one thousand times less dense than glass .