- 名prescriptions worth a thousand ounces of gold

Sun Simiao and Dragon Palace Formulas Buddhist Medicine in Thousand Golden Prescriptions
Discussion on the contribution of Thousand Golden Prescriptions to the art of tuina
Sun Ssu " Qian Jin Fang " continuation of the academic point of view of the nested source of the disease , fright disease etiology and pathogenesis for Feng Xie injured by lack of blood , the disease mainly in mind .
This year , he began to compose for emergency " Yao-party " .
The rules of acupuncture points during different periods
An Approach to the Medical Psychology Teaching Reform Based on " Physical and Mental Unity " Concept
The Summary of Bone Wound Academic Thought and Treatment Experience from Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor Du Zi-ming in Sichuan Province
The Ding Zhi Pills described in " Thousand-Golden-Prescriptions " have better memory improving effect than those described in " Prescriptions People 's Welfare Pharmacy " .
And the characteristics of the 11 prescriptions are summarized in order to probe into the law and thinking of selection and combination of acupoints for clinical treatment of asthma .
Beiji Qianjin Yaofang ( Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Pieces of Gold for Emergencies ) , also called Qianjin Fang or Qianjin Yaofang , was writ - ten by the well-known medical scientist in the Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao in the year 652 .
The daily expenditure will amount to a thousand ounces of silver . There will be commotion at home and abroad , and men will drop down exhausted on the highways . As many as seven hundred thousand families will be impeded in their labor .
Effect of Qianjin Huanglian pill on kidney in insulin resistance mice
Methodology Research of Glucose Metabolism in Cell Models Anti-diabetic Effects of a Modified Recipe of Qian Jin Huang Lian Pill