
shēng qí
  • raise a flag;hoist a flag
升旗 [shēng qí]
  • [hoist a flag]把国旗、军旗等慢慢地升到旗杆顶上

升旗[shēng qí]
  1. 升旗,就是把旗子拉到旗杆的顶上。

    You hoist a flag when you pull it to the top of its pole .

  2. v.升起反:lower他们每天早晨六点钟升旗。

    They hoist the national flag at six o'clock every morning .

  3. 他们在国歌声中升旗。

    They raise the national flag and the national hymn starts .

  4. 他们绕过那名晕倒在地的队员,继续着升旗仪式的步骤。

    They got round this fainted member and continued the process .

  5. 他们升旗庆祝胜利。

    They run up the flag in honour of the victory .

  6. 参加升旗仪式时应该怎么做?

    1 what should you do when the flag is raising ?

  7. 今天的升旗仪式由我为大家主持。

    Today 's flag ceremony to manage by me for everybody .

  8. 会员及贵宾参加升旗典礼者免费。

    CSU members and invited guest attend Flag ceremony no charge .

  9. 升旗时士兵们立正站着。

    The soldiers came to attention as the flag was raised .

  10. 陈晨还提到了自己一段不开心的经历,四年级时她写了一篇以“升旗仪式”为主题的作文。

    Chen referred to her own bitter experience as a fourth-grader .

  11. 今天我首先介绍我们班的升旗手。

    First , I introduce our class rises the standard-bearer .

  12. 全体肃立,唱国歌,升旗,敬礼。

    All salute , pay respect , sing our national anthem together .

  13. 升旗仪式到此结束,请各班有秩序带回。

    The flag-raising ceremony ended , all classes get back in order !

  14. 贸易部长已去世界商品展销会参加升旗

    Trade minister have go to the world fair to fly the flag

  15. 他们升旗向阵亡将士表示敬意。

    They put up a flag in honor of those killed in battle .

  16. 升旗仪式结束后,我们便吃了午饭。

    After the flag-raising ceremony , we ate lunch .

  17. 告诉他是他儿子和他们一起升旗。

    That it had been his son who raised the flag with them .

  18. 军队的一名干部担任升旗典礼的司仪。

    A cadre in the army acts as marshal of the flag-raising ceremony .

  19. 每天早上都列队升旗。

    The flag was raised every morning on parade .

  20. 昨天我去观看升旗仪式了。

    I watched the Flag - raising Ceremony yesterday .

  21. 连云港外国语学校第十一周升旗仪式现在开始。

    Now , let 's begin the11th ceremony of LianYunGang Foreign Language School .

  22. 每当站在升旗仪式时;

    Whenever the flag-raising ceremony , when standing ;

  23. 下面我宣布:修远双语学校本周升旗仪式现在开始!

    This week ` s flag-raising ceremony of XiuYuan bilingual school is begin now !

  24. 升旗仪式到此结束。

    The dawn flag raising ceremony is end .

  25. 你们有升旗典礼吗?

    Do you have a flag raising ceremony ?

  26. 为参加五一国际劳动节在公共广场上举行的升旗仪式做准备。

    At a public square in Fuzhou on May1 , the International Labor Day .

  27. (管路的)替续泵站,中继泵站升旗时士兵们立正站着。

    Relay pump stations The soldiers came to attention as the flag was raised .

  28. 他就是这次的升旗手&王毅。

    He was this flag raisers-Wang Yi .

  29. 升旗仪式现在开始。

    Now the flag raising ceremony begins .

  30. 深圳亚迪学校升旗仪式现在开始!

    The national flag rising ceremony of Shenzhen Middle School at BYD , now begins .