
  1. 有裂缝的桶只能装半桶水。

    The cracked pot only arrived half-full .

  2. 两本新书在对冲基金经理们的金杯里究竟是半桶水还是半桶空气的问题上产生异见。

    Two new books disagree on whether the hedge-fund managers ' golden chalice is half-full or half-empty .

  3. 这帮受过点教育的半桶水失败者们中,最可恶的是那些抱怨名词做动词用的人。

    The worst of this sorry bunch of semi-educated losers are those who seem to glory in being irritated by nouns becoming verbs .

  4. 这是个决定性时候当你擅长的事情发挥作用了-然而如果你只是半桶水,你就应该让其他人帮你去完成。

    It 's a time when you need to decide what you 're good at – and if you 're only half good at something , you should probably let other people do it .