
  1. 对中国城乡分割政策的道德审视&与早期华人在美国社会境遇的比较

    A Moral Scanning on Disuniting Policy of City and Countryside in China & To Compare Peasants with Primeval Chinese 's Social Befall in America

  2. 作为一个没有宗教传统的民族,华人在美国更多的选择了基督教,个中原委,值得探究。

    As a nation without religious tradition , the most Chinese in American believe in Christianity , and the reasons are worthy to research .

  3. 数以千计的美国华裔送来了照片和纪念物,记载华人在美国的经历,成为美国生活绚丽壮观的真实写照。

    And thousands have sent photographs and testimonials documenting the Chinese experience in the United States . And it represents a true pageant of American life .

  4. 《扶桑》以现代叙事技巧讲述了海外华人在美国充满辛酸而富有传奇的经历,对百年来的华人移民历史进行了深刻的反思。

    By means of modern narrative skill , Fu Sang tells the miserable and legendary stories of Chinese emigrants in America and deeply introspects the long history of the emigrants .

  5. 这些历史事实不单单符合历史的文本性的第一层理论要求,同时还向人们透露了华人在美国所遭受的不公和非人道的待遇。

    These solid historic facts not only just meet the proposition of Textuality of History , but also disclose the unfair and inhuman treatments suffered by Chinese immigrants in America .

  6. 如今,尽管华侨华人在美国的地位有所提高,美国的移民政策也有所改善,但美国的种族主义思想,种族歧视和排斥现象依然存在。

    At present , although overseas Chinese in the United States has improving their position , United States immigration policy has also improved , but the racism , racial discrimination and exclusion still exists .

  7. 唐人街那来自底层的声音,深沉地传递着华人在美国的坎坷经历和艰苦人生,而小人物的韧、善、美也从唐人街叙事中自然呈现出来。

    Chinatown that sound from the bottom of the deep to convey the ups and downs experienced and hard life of the Chinese in the United States , while little tough , good , the United States is also naturally present from the Chinatown narrative .

  8. 华人移民在美国所遭受的痛苦和歧视之广之深是在其他任何国家的华人移民都不可比拟的。

    In no other country like in the United States have the Chinese suffered so long , so severe and so wide-spread discrimination .

  9. 第三,华商的商业竞争精神使华人能够在美国这样一个充满激烈竞争的大市场中生存与发展。

    Thirdly , the Chinese businessmen had commercial competitive spirit , which made the Chinese survive and develop in the fiercely competitive American market .

  10. 20世纪80年代以来,移居美国的香港华人极力想要在美国积累文化资本和经济资本,开始在旧金山的湾区购买房地产。

    In the 1980s , elite Hong Kongers , propelled by the desire to accumulate cultural and economic capital in America , began buying property in the San Francisco Bay Area .