
  • 网络Huaping County
  1. 华坪县是全国200个重点产煤县之一,煤矸石堆存量大,导致一系列环境问题。

    There are stocks of coal gangues in Huaping county , which leads to a serial of environmental problems .

  2. 现代远程开放教育手段在边疆县教师教育中的应用研究&以云南省华坪县为例

    Application of the Means of Modern Open Distance Education in the Teacher Education of Border Area & A Case Study of Huaping County , Yunnan

  3. 华坪县烟煤找矿远景区。

    HuaPingXian bituminous coal prospect area .

  4. 华坪县地处滇西北中山山原区,是云南省典型的少数民族聚居的山区农业县。

    Huaping County , located in the highland region of northwest Yunnan Province , is a typical agricultural county in the mountainous area where minority people inhabit .

  5. 通过华坪县教师参加远程开放学习的特征、学习障碍和学习要求进行调查,表明现代远程开放教育形式是能够补充和适应云南省教师教育需要的。

    Through the investigation of the learning characteristics and obstacles and requirements of the teachers participating in the open education in Huaping county , the findings show that modern open distance learning can supplement and meet the needs of the teacher education in Yunnan .