
  • 网络Cathaysian old land;Cathaysia;cathysia
  1. 产出在华夏古陆与江南古陆碰撞对接带的西南端,钦州残余海盆中。

    It occurs at the southwest end of collision suture zone between Cathaysia and Jiangnan Old and .

  2. 浙西&赣东北地区中元古代晚期为华夏古陆的活动陆缘;

    The western Zhejiang-northeastern Jiangxi area was the active continent margin of Cathaysia in the late Mesoproterozoic .

  3. 华夏古陆八宝山金银矿为140±5Ma的火山热液成矿。

    The Babaoshan gold-silver deposit in Cathaysian oldland is 140 ± 5Ma old originated from volcanic hydrothermal ore-formation .

  4. 华南构造演化新思考兼论华夏古陆说中的几个问题

    New Thought about the Tectonic Evolution of the South China : with Discussion on Several Problems of the Cathaysian Old Land

  5. 华夏古陆的八十年演变折射出了中国大地构造研究进步的一个方面。

    The changing of the concept of the Cathaysian old land reflects one aspect of the advance of the tectonic research work in China .

  6. 其发育程度及其层位的区域变化规律表明,泥质浑水系来自海盆东侧的华夏古陆。

    The regional variety of development degree and horizon shows that the turbid-water with mud is from Cathysia on the east of Zhejiang-Anhui Sea Basin .

  7. 中&新元古代闽中地区铅锌多金属矿床形成的古构造环境、主要矿床地质特征及矿床成因研究是了解华夏古陆前寒武纪构造成矿演化及进一步找矿的关键。

    Investigations on the paleo-tectonic setting , major characteristics and origin of deposits in central Fujian Province are key parts to a better understanding of the Precambrian tectono-magmatic evolution and further ore explorations in the Cathaysia Block .

  8. 东南沿海成矿带成矿作用时代与华夏古陆的形成演化,特提斯向环太平洋构造成矿域的转换及中新生代中国东部大陆边缘构造活动关系密切。

    The mineralization ages of coastal metallogenic belt of Southeastern China are closely related to those tectonic settings which are the formation and evolution of Cathaysia , the transformation from Tethyan domain to Circum Pacific domain and the tectonic movement of continental margin since the Mesozoic era in east China .

  9. 江南、华夏两古陆所引起的是一复合的等轴磁异常,它与半鸟形式的重力布格异常相对应。

    What the two ancient lands of Jiangnan and Huaxia caused is a complex magnetic anomaly of equal-axises which corresponds to the gravity Bouguer anomaly in form of " peninsula " .

  10. 近期一些文献中的华夏地块(陆块)的内涵已经不是原来的华夏古陆。

    The intension of the term Cathaysian block ( continent block ) in the recent magazines is not that of the original Cathaysian old land .