
  • 网络Warner Music Group;WMG;Warner Music Group Corp;Warner Music Group, WMG
  1. 华纳音乐集团(WarnerMusicGroup)和中国互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)签署了一份分销协议。全球第三大唱片公司正在探索向中国扩张的新途径。

    Warner Music Group has signed a distribution agreement with Chinese internet conglomerate Tencent , as the world 's third-biggest record company experiments with new ways to expand in China .

  2. 华纳音乐集团(WarnerMusicGroup)和中国最大的互联网企业之一腾讯在周四宣布,双方签署了一项广泛的授权协议。这是音乐产业为从中国赚钱而做出的最新动作。

    In the music industry 's latest effort to make money from China , the Warner Music Group has signed an extensive licensing deal with Tencent , one of China 's biggest Internet businesses , the companies announced on Thursday .

  3. 该网站今年要与环球音乐集团(UniversalMusicGroup)、索尼音乐(SonyMusic)和华纳音乐集团(WarnerMusicGroup)谈判新的许可协议。然而,它与提供许多视频内容的唱片公司和艺人之间的关系已经恶化。

    It is due to negotiate new licensing deals this year with Universal Music Group , Sony Musicand Warner Music Groupbut relations between the company and the labels and artists that provide much of its video content have soured .

  4. 三年后,他从华纳音乐集团辞职,创立了自己的公司。

    He left Warner Music Group to start his own business three years later .

  5. 如果这首歌属于公共版权,它目前的版权所有者华纳音乐集团将会损失数百万美元的版权许可费用。

    If the song becomes part of the public domain , it would cost the Warner Music Group , which holds the rights , millions of dollars in lost licensing fees .

  6. 以及5月6日石油大亨布拉瓦特尼克,投资华纳音乐集团33亿美元,这一惊人举动是只因几位音乐执行推举他为目前最富有的慈善家。

    And on May 6th Len Blavatnik , an oil magnate , agreed to pay $ 3.3 billion for Warner Music Group . The stunned reaction among music executives suggests that his is the greatest act of charity yet .

  7. 华纳兄弟唱片公司是华纳音乐集团旗下的公司。

    Warner Bros. Records is a unit of Warner Music Group Corp.