
  • 网络collaborative commerce;Collaboration Business;cpc;C-Commerce
  1. Internet环境下的供方协同商务关系管理系统

    Management system of supplier collaborative commerce relationship on internet

  2. 基于LotusDomino的协同商务系统研究

    Research of Collaborative Commerce System Based on Lotus Domino

  3. 基于协同商务的Web三维零件库研究

    A Study on the CPC-based Web 3D Parts Library

  4. 基于多Agent的协同商务协调机制

    Coordination System of Collaboration Commerce Based on Multi - Agent

  5. 新型制造模式&基于WebServices的网络协同商务链理论与关键技术的研究

    Research of Theory and Key Technology for Network Cooperative Commerce Chain Based on Web Services

  6. 协同商务时代ERP概念模式及其发展方向

    The Concept and Direction of Collaboration Business Enterprise Resource Planning

  7. 从ERP走向协同商务

    From ERP to Collaboration Commerce

  8. 协同商务中面向整合的CRM

    Integration Oriented CRM in Collaborative Business

  9. 协同商务(CollaborativeCommerce)是新一代电子商务模式,是未来电子商务的发展趋势。

    Collaborative Commerce is a new generation of electric commerce model , future electric commerce will tend to this model .

  10. Gartnergroup曾预测协同商务将成为下一轮商务发展的核心内容。

    Gartner Group has forecasted the collaborative commerce will become the core content of the commerce development next round .

  11. 基于LotusDomino平台的协同商务系统是一套完整的企业信息化解决方案。

    The Collaborative Commerce system based on lotus domino is a good resolvent for company information .

  12. 协同商务环境下的业务流程管理(BPM)技术研究

    Research of Technology about Business Process Management in Collaborative Commerce

  13. 讨论了MobileAgent的具体特性,分析了MobileAgent在参与网络协同商务链交易全过程中面临的自身安全问题与网络安全问题。

    Based on Mobile Agent properties , problems of security and network security confronted with Mobile Agent in the transaction process of network-based collaborative commerce chain were analyzed .

  14. 研究表明,采用在认证过程中要求Agent向供应商服务器出示许可证的方法,可以更好地提高协同商务链系统的网络交易安全性。

    Research results showed that Agent 's submission permit to the supplier server during authentication process could enhance the network bargain security of the collaborative commerce chain system .

  15. 协同商务于1999年由Gartnergroup提出,被誉为下一代的电子商务。

    From the year of 1999 , the conception of collaborative commerce is put forward by Gartner Group , it is get used more widely .

  16. 研究了产品协同商务(CPC)环境下的模具虚拟企业生产项目粗规划问题。

    The rough project-planning problem for virtual enterprise ( VE ) in the industry of mould and die manufacturing is investigated .

  17. ERPⅡ下的协同商务,是在ERP与电子商务的集成的基础上通过协同的信息管理、业务管理和协同的资源交互来实现传统ERP所不具备的支持协同商务的功能的。

    The ERP supporting collaborative commerce achieve the function of supporting C-commerce by collaborative information management , business management and resource exchanging based on integrating ERP with e-commerce .

  18. 该文是讲述在电子商务时代企业的信息化将从ERP逐步向协同商务发展,和协同商务的架构以及实施。

    This article is about in the electron commerce time the information of enterprise will from ERP to Collaboration commerce and the technical and implementation of collaboration commerce .

  19. 协同商务下基于CPFR的供应链管理研究

    Study on the Supply Chain Management Based on CPFP under the Coordinate Commerce

  20. 为提高协同商务链系统的运行工作效率和网络安全性,针对目前电子商务解决方案使用方面的不足,提出企业应将MobileAgent技术引入协同商务链系统建模中。

    To improve the performance and network security of collaborative commerce chain system and to deal with shortcomings of existing solution to electronic commerce , Mobile Agent technology was introduced into the modeling of network-based collaborative commerce chain system .

  21. 本文阐述了协同商务信息平台及第三方物流企业的客户关系管理与现代物流管理的关系,CRM在现代物流管理中的应用。

    This paper has disserted relations about CRM in the third party logistics enterprise and modern logistics , and submitted the applications with customer relationship management in modern logistics .

  22. 通过理论论证和实战总结,本文提出了协同商务中CRM的主题思想:CRM是企业与客户共同创造价值,而不仅仅是企业对客户做了什么。

    After theory reasoning and practical summary , this article presents a thematic idea that CRM is the process of creating value by enterprise and customer altogether , not just by the enterprise itself .

  23. 第三章分析了协同商务实施的技术平台,即以企业信息化为基础,以企业应用集成(EAI)为支撑,以企业信息门户(EIP)为核心,构建了一个基于WEB的企业协同平台。

    The third chapter analyzes technological platform for collaboration commerce . The platform , based on enterprise informationization , takes enterprise application integration as its maintenance and enterprise information portal as its core .

  24. 目前,协同商务模式下多层次CPFR(CollaborativePlanningForecastingandReplenishment,CPFR)控制与优化研究是供应链库存管理中一个热点问题。

    Today , study on the control and optimization for multiple levels CPFR ( Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment , CPFR ) under collaborative commerce model is an important issue of supply chain management .

  25. ebXML与SOA皆以跨产业之协同商务信息平台架构为发展目标,并秉持技术中立的立场,希冀利用共通的方法与规范,建立具互通性的协同作业环境。

    Both their objectives will aim the development of the information architecture for collaborative business to establish an interoperable environment for collaborative works by utilizing technology-neutral methods and specifications .

  26. 随着全球经济一体化、协同商务和第三方物流的兴起,传统物流企业逐步转型,国内物流产业竞争逐步加剧,同时,我国加入WTO之后国外物流供应商加快了进军中国市场的步伐。

    With global integrated economy , collaborative commerce and third-party logistics , domestic traditional logistics enterprise is gradating , the competition of domestic logistics industry is pricking up , at the same time , overseas logistics enterprise mend their pace coming into home market after affiliating WTO .

  27. 而基于SaaS的汽车产业链协同商务平台因其具备的资源优势、效率优势和成本优势,成为解决中小企业信息化的重要手段。

    However , The Automotive Industrial Chain Platform based on the SaaS technology become an important means to solve informationization of small and medium-sized enterprise , because of its advantages in resources , efficiency advantage and cost advantage .

  28. 然而目前的B2B电子商务系统难以满足协同商务的要求,其存在如下局限性:交易实体范围过窄、跨网络系统集成困难、交易对象发现功能不足。

    The traditional B2B e-business is mainly based on web page technology and has three facets of problems , such as business entities not being complete , unable heterogeneous system integration cross internet and difficultly discovering business object .

  29. 产品数据管理(PDM)作为集成平台,其发展经历了三个阶段:配合CAD工具使用的早期简单的PDM系统、专业的PDM产品和新一代PDM产品&产品协同商务(CPC)。

    As an integration platform , PDM ( Product Data Management ) goes through three stages : the earlier simple PDM systems cooperating the using of CAD tools , the professional PDM products and the new generation PDM products-Collaborative Product Commerce ( CPC ) .

  30. 协同商务是利用互联网和电子商务的手段,加强企业之间的商务交流。MRP主要是解决企业内部的计划与管理,与供应链的衔接不够。

    Collaborative Commerce is aimed to strengthen the connection of different companies by means of internet and e-commerce technologies . MRP is basically a method which deals with internal affairs of planning and management with little concern about supply chain .