
dān jiàn shēnɡ chǎn
  • single-piece production;piecework;individual piece production
  1. 小批量或者单件生产的复杂桁架类产品,装配时一般以手工装配和修调为主,这就需要在零件加工完成后,通过不断地试装配、修整和再装配等过程循环,直至达到装配要求。

    Complex products of small batch or single-piece production are mainly assembled by manual assembly and repair , which process requires continued cycle trail assembly , trimming and re-assembly until the assembly requirement is met .

  2. 基于RFID的单件生产实验系统的机械手运动控制

    Manipulator in Experimental RFID-Based One-of-a-Kind Production System

  3. 单件生产方式下汽车覆盖件模具CAPP系统的开发研究

    Research and Development of Motor Die 's CAPP

  4. 分析了单件生产车间调度问题,提出了适合Job-shop调度的算法-混合遗传算法。

    The Job-shop Scheduling is analyzed , and the algorithm adapting to job-shop scheduling-hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed .

  5. 资源约束下的单件生产订单作业选择优化算法

    The Optimization Algorithm of Job Selection with Resource Constraints for ETO Orders

  6. 更化模具单件生产方式策论

    The Tactics of Improvement Single Part Mode of Production for Die & Mold

  7. 模块化产品是实现以大批量的效益为前提,进行单件生产目标的一种有效方法。

    Modular products are single effective method about the realization of high-volume production targets .

  8. 单件生产车间的质量管理

    Quality Control in a Job Shop

  9. 该机床是螺旋锥齿轮单件生产和设备维修的较理想设备。

    The machine tool is suitable for helical bevel gears production in single piece and also for maintainence work .

  10. 在大规模定制中,个性化的客户订单所引发的多品种小批量甚至是单件生产,增加了产品多样化成本。

    The increase of Variety Cost ( VC ) resulted from individualized products is a key problem in Mass Customization ( MC ) .

  11. 该机床适用于批量及单件生产加工圆柱直齿轮、斜齿轮、链轮及蜗轮。

    This series machine is suitable for batch or single manufacturing column straight pinions , slope pinions , helical gear and worm gear .

  12. 随着应用领域日益扩大,换热设备明显呈现出多品种、小批量、单件生产的趋势。

    With the increasingly enlarging upon application fields , hot exchanger obviously presents the trend of many varieties and small-lot manufacture with single production .

  13. 由于单件生产的特殊性,使一系列广泛用于大批量生产质量管理的方法在单件生产中难于应用。

    The special features of unit production add difficulty to the application of the statistical quality control methods that Commonly apply to mass production .

  14. 可摘除局部义齿支架是人体口腔修复的重要辅助工具,其形状多为复杂的三维曲面,一般用铸造工艺进行单件生产。

    The removable partial denture framework is very complex in shape with many curved surfaces , which is a very important assistant tool in prosthodontics .

  15. 高分子聚合物材料和特殊的加工装配工艺使得微泵即使在小批量单件生产的情况下成本依然低廉。

    High polymeric material and special process of manufacturing and assembly make it cost low even in the condition of single-piece work or low volume work .

  16. 精益生产方式是继手工单件生产方式和大批量生产方式之后的全新生产方式,代表着现今制造业的发展方向。

    Lean production is the manual single production mode and mass production of the new way after production methods , represents the current manufacturing development direction .

  17. 对于金属成形加工工艺的小批、单件生产,模具的设计、制造和模具材料的选择是非常重要的。

    The design and manufacture of dies and the selection of die materials are very important in the production of discrete parts by use of metal forming processes .

  18. 纵观汽车工业发展历程,先后经历了单件生产、大规模生产、精益生产和全球化生产四个重要阶段。

    Throughout the world auto industry development history , it has gone through four key stages : piece production , mass production , lean production and global manufacturing .

  19. 这种方法很适合于科研试制和单件生产,既省材料又省工时,缩短了生产周期,降低了成本,具有实用价值。

    This method is very applicable to scientific research , trial manufacture and single workpiece production , both man-hours and materials can be saved , and production period can be shortened .

  20. 精益生产综合了大量生产与单件生产方式的优点,力求在大量生产中实现多品种和高质量产品的低成本生产。

    LEAN manufacturing sum up advantages of both of MASS production and ONE PIECE production , and try to realize a low cost method for the production of multiple products and high quality .

  21. 适合钟表、仪器、玩具、照相机工业及修理车间等部门对钢料、有色金属和非金属零件的成批以及单件生产的钻削加工。

    It is suitable for drilling ferrous and non-ferrous metal in industrial department , clocks , watches , toys and camera industry , as well as in repair shop , for single piece or mass production .

  22. 通过以机械制造行业单件生产方式型企业的实例研究,表明本文所提出的基于模型构件的企业模型体系与建模技术是实用而有效的。

    According to modeling approach based on model structure , a case study with the background of one-kind-product machinery manufacturing enterprises is illustrated . It is shown that this enterprise model architecture and its modeling approach is practical and efficiently .

  23. CIMS环境下大型单件小批生产的质量管理信息系统研究

    The Study of Quality Management Information System for Large-piece OKP Based on CIMS

  24. 单件小批生产模式下的MRP算法改进

    Improved method for material requirement planning in little batch manufacturing mode

  25. 本文由协同产品商务的概念出发,结合对单件小批生产的机械制造企业的调查,对适合此类制造企业的CPC系统进行了设计与应用的研究。

    This paper brings forward a new framework of CPC ( Collaborative Product Commerce ) systems in make-to-order manufacturing enterprise .

  26. 首先,地理条件对生产生活方式产生影响并进而影响及地域文化。单件小批生产模式下的MRP算法改进

    Firstly , it affects the mode of production . Improved method for material requirement planning in little batch manufacturing mode

  27. 因此本文提出了利用Petri网的分析方法与专家系统相结合的思想来减小问题搜索空间,从而有效地解决单件小批生产中的排序问题。

    So an idea of combining the analyzing method of Petri net and the expert system is brought forward to reduce the scale of the research space .

  28. 文章论述了CIMS环境下大型单件小批生产的质量管理信息系统具有的动态集成性、动态分布性、动态扩展性和动态适应性;

    This paper discusses such dynamic characteristics of quality management in-formation system based on CIMS for large - piece OKP as integration , distribution , extension and adaptation .

  29. 运用5S、目视管理、看板等工具改善现场,实施单件流生产。

    For one piece flow production , other lean tools including 5S , visual management and Kanban , were applied to improve production lines .

  30. 介绍了在单件小批生产模式的制造企业中实施CIMS技术时,车间生产管理系统的生产要素建模的一种新方法。

    This paper is involved with a new approach established to create the productive factor model of Shop Production Management System , while CIMS is applied in a manufacturing industry of single-part production mode .