
  1. 单宁细胞的单宁与多糖结合在一起。

    Tannin in cells is always in combination with polysaccharides .

  2. 存在结晶细胞、单宁细胞和贮水细胞;

    Existing crystalliferous cells and tannin idioblasts ; a large amount of water storage parenchyma ;

  3. 单宁细胞除以单个分散形式存在外,有些则以单宁细胞束或单宁细胞团的形式存在。

    Tannin cells exist in mesocarp as individuals or bundle and gobbet in some cultivars .

  4. 成熟果实中单宁细胞大小是幼果期单宁细胞的3倍左右;

    Size of tannin cells in mature fruits is about 3 times than that of in young fruits .

  5. 成熟果壁细胞不含有淀粉粒,但具有大量单宁细胞。

    All cells of fruit wall do not contain starch grain , but a great number of cells contain tannin during fruit maturity .

  6. 结果表明,一般甜柿较涩柿的单宁细胞数目少,个小,横径/纵径指数小。

    The results showed that Tannin cells of sweet persimmons were smaller in numbers , size and cross diameter / longitudinal diameter ratio .

  7. 完全甜柿品种次郎果实单宁细胞的纵横径在同期均比其他4个涩柿品种要小;

    The size of tannin cells of PCNA cultivar " Jiro " are smaller than those of 4 PCA cultivars at the same period .

  8. 结果表明,筛先出10个优良浓缩单宁合成细胞系和相同基因型愈伤组织增殖细胞系。

    The results showed : ten better cell lines of calli synthesis and ten same cell lines of calli proliferation were screened .

  9. 体细胞胚起源于胚性愈伤组织中含单宁的细胞包围的单个胚性母细胞,属于单细胞起源。

    The somatic embryo originated from single embryonic original cell of embryonic callus tissues , which was surrounded by tannin cells , that belonged to single cell origination .

  10. 子房壁和膨大花托的基本组织中积累大量淀粉粒,有些细胞形成粘液腔,或发育成含簇晶或单宁的异细胞。

    Abundant starch grains are accumulated in the parenchyma of ovary wall and inflated receptacle . Some cells form mucilaginous locules or develop into idioblasts containing druse crystals or tannin .

  11. 苏铁属植物的须根均庞大成肉质根,其皮层由多达80层大型的、含有大量淀粉和单宁物质的薄壁细胞组成。

    All of the fibrous roots of Cycas tend to develop into fleshy roots , whose cortex consists of80 layers of biggish parenchyma cells that contain abundant starch grain and tannin .

  12. 研究了不同甘、涩类型柿果实单宁类成分的季节变化、与甘涩性状的关系以及罗田甜柿可溶性单宁含量、单宁组分和单宁细胞的特性。

    A study was conducted to clarify the seasonal changes in components of tannin and the relationships between the differences in tannin and fruit astringency of cultivars .