
dān jù
  • document;receipt;documents attesting to the giving or receiving of money, goods, etc., such as receipts, bills, vouchers and invoices
单据 [dān jù]
  • [receipt] 收付钱款或东西的凭据

单据[dān jù]
  1. 邮资单据不能当作收据。

    Proof of postage will not be accepted as proof of receipt .

  2. 店员让我在单据上签字。

    The clerk asked me to sign the docket .

  3. 雇一个兼职会计将使你摆脱追讨未付单据和支付账单的负担。

    A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices and paying bills .

  4. 电脑单据次给有折叠式电脑单据与小卷式电脑单据

    Computer notes there are foldable computer bills and Bill tortricid computer .

  5. B:(过了一会儿)没问题。这是您的保险单据,身份证。下个月您会收到平安保险公司的保险单。

    B : ( After a while ) No prolem.Here is your insurance document and your card . You will receive a policy from Ping An Insurance Company next month .

  6. 代理服务器的配置方案及容量估算XML方式的网上单据处理系统

    Configuration and Capacity Estimation of the Proxy Server The XML Bill Handling System in Internet

  7. XML方式的网上单据处理系统

    The XML Bill Handling System in Internet

  8. 抽象工厂模式在ERP系统单据处理中的应用

    An abstract factory pattern in bill processing of ERP system

  9. NET技术平台开发的自定义单据的定制与动态生成工具。

    NET technology . This tool is composed of self-customized Logistics form designer and dynamic Logistics form generation server .

  10. ORACLEERP中的采购单据状态及其控制

    Status of Purchasing Document in Oracle ERP and Its Control

  11. 论电子运输单据转让的法律构筑&兼论《UN运输法》草案

    On model for transfer of electronic transport message and UN Transport Law

  12. 跟单信用证明确地规定单据寄送给开证行A银行的代理人B银行。

    The documentary credit specifically states that documents are to be sent to Bank B as agent of the issuing bank , Bank A.

  13. 提出了用标准XML模式作为交换单据的数据标识;详细探讨了描述关系模式与XML模式之间映射关系的转换脚本XML文档;

    We use standard XML module to express the data exchange and design the converting script XML file to describe the reflection relation between relational module and XML module .

  14. 目前我国大部分露天煤矿设备管理还是采用传统的手工登帐、登卡,单据流转及部分EXCEL电子表格来实现的。

    At present our country most open coal mine still uses the traditional manual registration , boarding card , document flow and some EXCEL spreadsheets to fulfill .

  15. 在Internet上电子交易的数据单据交换方面,进行了PDF文件格式的电子单据管理软件的研究和开发,以满足电子交易中重要单据的网络传输与管理。

    In the aspect of the bill data interchange in the Internet , an electronic bill software using PDF file format is developed to satisfy the network transfer and managing of important bill for electronic trade .

  16. 浅析UCP500下银行持有全套单据后的法律地位

    The Legal Status of a Bank When It Has All the Paper under UCP500

  17. 卖方必须自付费用向买方提供证明按照A4规定交货的通常单据。

    The seller must provide the buyer at the seller 's expense with the usual proof of delivery of the goods in accordance with A4 .

  18. 运输单据的整体结构不是由UCP来决定的,是由各自海运公司或代理人决定的。

    The structure of a transport document is not governed by the UCP ; this is for each shipping company or agent to determine .

  19. 介绍了OraclePurchasing模块中采购单据的管理与控制,结合实例,分析了各状态下可采取的控制活动及控制活动对单据的影响。

    Introduces the management and control of purchasing documents in Oracle Purchasing module . In order to achieve effective control to the documents , adoptable control activities under different conditions and its influences on the documents are analyzed with the examples .

  20. 论述电子运输单据的法律属性,兼论《UN运输法》草案关于电子运输单据转让的相关规定,构设电子运输单据及其所含权利转让的法律模式。

    Discussion is made of the legal nature of electronic transport message and the relevant stipulations as provided for in the UN Transport Law . It is tried to provide a Legal Model for the transfer of electronic transport message and the rights contained therein .

  21. 提交的联合运输单据(CTD)表明运输的全程由两段构成,第一段运输通过海运,余下的路程则通过空运。

    The presented transport document is a combined transport document ( CTD ) showing the entire transport as performed by means of two journeys , the first part by sea and remaining part by air .

  22. 有了信息技术的支持,才有了EDI技术,有了ECR和JIT系统,才能使国际物流以最高的效率处理贸易单据,以最低的成本满足客户的需求。

    With the support of information technology , there appeared the EDI technology , the ECR and JIT systems , by which the international logistics can process the trade documents most efficiently and satisfy the customers with the lowest costs .

  23. 这一文件对《UCP500》在运行过程中遇到的诸如电子单据的界定、处理等有关重要问题,提出了统一的要求,这将使世界金融、贸易无纸化的实现加快速度。

    Such provisions provides unified requirement for the definition and disposition of electronic bills , which will accelerate the process of paperless transaction in world finance and trade .

  24. 即使ucp500有规定,我行拒付了该信用证下提交的单据后,我行也保留开证人接受不符点后的我行的权利。

    Notwithstanding the PROVISONG of ucp500 , if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit we shall however retain the right to accept a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant .

  25. 让我把装船单据一件件地交给你吧。

    Let me hand you these shipping documents one by one .

  26. 银行将不会为了取得指示而审核单据;

    Banks will not examine documents in order to obtain instructions .

  27. 凭下列单据即期付款。

    The payment is availble at sight against the following documents .

  28. 开证行需正本和副本单据。

    Original and duplicate documents are needed by the issuing bank .

  29. 请填写这些单据,并签上姓名。

    Please fill out these forms , and sign your name .

  30. 设备的租金和押金在不同的单据上。

    The equipment rental and deposit will go on separate slips .