
  1. 运用g值当量概念求单摆的周期

    Obtained Period of Simple Pendulum by the Conception of Equivalence About G 's Value

  2. 单摆的周期公式及其特殊应用

    The Cycle Formula of Simple Pendulum and its Special Application

  3. 变质量单摆的周期

    The period of variable mass pendulum

  4. 在单摆的周期公式中,摆长和重力加速度,在特定条件下具有不同的意义。

    The length of the simple pendulum and acceleration of gravity have different meaning which depends on special conditions .

  5. 根据简谐运动的周期公式,得到单摆的周期公式。

    According to the cycle formula of simple harmonic vibration , the cycle formula of simple pendulum could be figured out .

  6. 大角度单摆运动的周期研究

    A Study on the Period of Wide-angled Simple Pendulum Movement

  7. 悬点作匀加速直线运动时单摆的振动周期

    The Vibration Cycle of Simple Pendulum When the Hung Point Makes the Straight Uniform Acceleration

  8. 本文以一个载满沙子的圆锥表漏斗作为单摆,研究沙子漏出过程的运动周期,从而给出此时变质量单摆的周期变化规律。

    This paper studies a cone with leaking as a pendulum and the period of its sand leaking movement and gives out the period changing rule of the variable mass pendulum .

  9. 通过单摆装置可以方便地研究单摆的振动周期与摆长关系和测定当地的重力加速度。

    Using the single pendulum , we can research the relationship between the period of oscillation of it and the length of it and measure local acceleration of gravity .

  10. 介绍了用计算机辅助测量单摆非线性振动的实验方法,给出了非线性区单摆的振幅和周期的测量结果。

    This paper introduces a way to measure the nonlinear vibration of simple pendulum by computer , and gives the data of amplitude and period of vibration in nonlinear area .