
dān biān zhǔ yì
  • unilateralism
  1. 美国单边主义对抗WTO多边主义的第三回合&201条款争端之法理探源和展望

    The Third Round of US Unilateralism vs. WTO Multilateralism in the Recent Decade : on the Jurisprudence Source of the " Section 201 " Disputes and Its Prospect

  2. 托尼布莱尔(tonyblair)之所以如此坚定地靠近乔治w布什(georgewbush),原因之一在于:他认为美国的单边主义有可能打破战后的多边格局。

    One of the reasons that Tony Blair was so determined to get close to George W. Bush was that he thought American unilateralism threatened to break up the postwar multilateral order .

  3. 在气候变化挑战面前,人类命运与共,单边主义没有出路。我们只有坚持多边主义,讲团结、促合作,才能互利共赢,福泽各国人民。

    In meeting the climate challenge , no one can be aloof and cooperation can we deliver shared benefits and win-win for all nations .

  4. 美国在201条款争端案中败诉之后,对上述既定方针毫无改弦易辙之意,其单边主义的霸权顽症可能随时复发,WTO多边主义仍然前途多艰。

    Therefore , even though the US lost in the " Section 201 " Disputes , its hegemony chronic malady of unilateralism may recur at any time , and thus the future of WTO multilateralism should still be uneasy .

  5. 对富兰克林d罗斯福(franklind.roosevelt)与哈里杜鲁门(harrytruman)建立的多边制度构成挑战的,不是白宫里面奉行单边主义的总统,而是不愿意接受西方设计的国际秩序的新兴大国。

    The challenge to the multilateral system established by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman comes not from a unilateralist president in the White House , but from new great powers unwilling to accept an order designed by the West .

  6. 与伊朗关系没有缓和、中东和平进程没有任何突破性进展、在阿富汗未取得胜利,愿意通过多边谈判与世界接触,尚未证明比乔治w布什(georgew.bush)强悍的单边主义效果更好。

    There has been no rapprochement with Iran , no breakthrough in the Middle East peace process , no victory in Afghanistan , no confirmation that a willingness to engage with the world in multilateral negotiations will yield better results than the muscular unilateralism of President George W. Bush .

  7. 其实克林顿时代美国也出现过单边主义的迹象。

    But the Clinton era also contained signs of resurgent unilateralism .

  8. 自布什政府上台以来,美国在国际事务中奉行单边主义政策。

    The Bush Administration has pursued a unilateralism policy in international affairs .

  9. 冷战后美国单边主义研究

    A Study on the America 's Unilateralism in the Post-Cold War Era

  10. 美国人已经厌倦了单边主义与先发制人的战争。

    Americans have tired of unilateralism and of preventive war .

  11. 一定意义上讲,单边主义是霸权主义的另一翻版。

    In a sense , unilateralism is another reprint of the hegemonism .

  12. 论美国单边主义政策对国家主权原则的挑战

    The Challenges Posed by US Unilateralism Policy Against Sovereignty Principle

  13. 单边主义还是多极化?&析伊拉克战争对国际格局的冲击

    Unilateralism or Multilateralism ? & the Influence of Iraq War on International Structure

  14. 于是,多边主义与单边主义之间的矛盾日益凸现。

    Thus , the contradiction between multilateralism and unilateralism has become more apparent .

  15. 单边主义是很难有市场的。

    Unilateralism is very difficult to have a market .

  16. 论21世纪初布什政府的经济单边主义

    On the Economic Unilateralism of the Bush Administration in the early 21st Century

  17. 伊拉克战争后美国单边主义政策的发展趋势

    The Development Trend of The Unilateral Policy of the U.S.A. after Iraq War

  18. 联合国内多边主义与单边主义的斗争持续不断。

    The struggles between multilateralism and unilateralism kept on going in the UN .

  19. 美国执行的双重标准使其控制全球的单边主义战略昭然若揭。

    Which is the standard ? The dual standard shows clearly its unilateralism .

  20. 第二部分是有关单边主义法律选择方法的历史发展概况的相关内容。

    The second part of the this paragraph is mainly with the historical development .

  21. 最后,客观地预测了美国单边主义的未来走向。

    Finally , the author predicted the future trend of America 's Unilateralism objectively .

  22. 他的个人魅力也许有助于弥补这个超级强权的单边主义倾向。

    His charm may help make up for the superpower 's tendency towards unilateralism ;

  23. 我认为单边主义代价太高,公开对话效率太低。

    I believe that unilateralism is too expensive and open dialogue is too slow .

  24. 国际单边主义行为表面上多属于政治或军事范畴,事实上也存在经济学原理上的支撑。

    The action of international unilateralism often belongs to that of politics or force .

  25. 单边主义倾向突出;

    Showing a strong tendency towards unilateralism ;

  26. 但布什在第一个任期实行的单边主义不可动摇的地位,削弱了上述策略的效果。

    But the effectiveness was blunted by the unshakeable legacy of the first term unilateralism .

  27. 美国外交向强化单边主义调整,对国际关系的影响和冲击最大。

    American diplomacy is shifting towards unilateralism , bringing about strong impact on international relations .

  28. 自负帝国的危机:单边主义与霸权合法性的终结

    The Crisis of a Conceited Empire : Unilateralism and the End of the Legitimacy of Hegemony

  29. 美国的反恐战争与单边主义

    The American Anti-Terror War and Unilateralism

  30. 只不过单边主义强调对外行为方式,霸权主义更强调行动目标而已。

    Only unilateralism emphasizes the foreign behavior , hegemonism stresses on the action goal even more .