
Nán Jīnɡ Guó Mín Zhènɡ Fǔ
  • the Nanjing National Government
  1. 简论南京国民政府对地方财政的整理

    Arrangement of Local Finance During the Nanjing National Government Period

  2. 南京国民政府的边疆观念及民族认识

    The Nanjing National Government 's Understanding of the Borderland and Ethnic Groups

  3. 据此对南京国民政府的保安处分制度作出客观的评价。

    Nanjing Government accordingly Security Measures to make an objective evaluation .

  4. 南京国民政府文官考试制度评析

    The Comment on the Civil Officer Test System of Nanjing Government

  5. 南京国民政府前期浙江省举办民众教育述评

    Popular Education of Zhejiang in Early Years of Chiang Kai-shek Regime

  6. 南京国民政府裁厘改税研究

    Study on Nanjing National Government Canceling the Likin and Collecting Excise

  7. 南京国民政府时期农村信用社借贷双方关系探析

    Discussions about the Rural Loan Relationship during Nanjing KMT Governing Period

  8. 南京国民政府建立初期之国际承认分析

    Analysis on International Recognition of Nanjing National Government after Its Establishment

  9. 论南京国民政府的县政困境及其影响

    On County Administration Difficulty of Nanking Government 1930 's and Influence

  10. 浅论南京国民政府对食盐走私的立法控制

    On Nanjing National Government 's Legal Control to the Private Salt

  11. 第一部分主要介绍南京国民政府时期保安处分制度的内容。

    The first part introduces the Nanjing National Government Security Measures content .

  12. 南京国民政府建立后,继续进行反对不平等条约的斗争。

    Nanjing national government continued the struggle against unequal treaties once founded .

  13. 评南京国民政府之改订新约运动

    Treaty Re-negotiation Movement of Nanjing National Government : A Consideration

  14. 南京国民政府邮政事业建设略述(1927-1937)

    The Outline of Postal Building in Nanjing National Government ( 1927-1937 )

  15. 南京国民政府时期税收政策演变的思考

    Thinking about Development of Tax Policy of Nanjing National Government

  16. 孙中山的土地思想与南京国民政府的土地政策

    SUN Yatsen 's Land Thoughts and Kuomintang 's Land Policy in Mainland

  17. 1927&1937年南京国民政府的农村政策述评

    On the Rural Policy of the Nationalist Government from 1927 to 1937

  18. 1927-1936年南京国民政府劳工立法研究

    Study on Labour Laws of Nanjing Kuomintang Government from 1927 to 1936

  19. 南京国民政府乡村自治制度述论

    Studies on the Village Self-government System of Nanjing National Government

  20. 南京国民政府时期北平的交通管理

    Traffic Management of Transportations in Beijing by Former Kuomintang Government

  21. 南京国民政府时期,情况依然如此。

    Nanjing National Government , the situation remains the same .

  22. 南京国民政府的华侨教育政策与措施

    The Overseas Chinese Education Policies of the Nanjing National Government

  23. 最后一章对南京国民政府的民事立法思想进行了总体评价。

    The last chapter appraises the civil legislative ideology as a whole .

  24. 三十年代南京国民政府地方行政机构改革研究

    A Study on Nanjing Local Government Institutional Reform in the 1930 's

  25. 南京国民政府行政院成立的历史考察

    Historical Survey on the Establishment of Executive Yuan of Nanjing National Government

  26. 试析抗战前南京国民政府的美棉推广

    An Analysis on the Spread of American Cotton by Nanjing National Government

  27. 抗战前南京国民政府县自治失败原因探析

    On the Cause of Failure about the KMT County Self-government before Anti-Japan

  28. 南京国民政府时期四川农村的现代化金融探析

    Analysis of Modern Finance of Sichuan Rural Area in Nanjing Puppet State

  29. 南京国民政府时期的铁路政策研究(1927-1937)

    Nanjing National Government Time Railroad Policy Research ( 1927-1937 );

  30. 南京国民政府迅速败亡的军事经济原因

    The military economic cause that the Nanking National Government was defeated and destroyed