
  1. 参照南京大胜关长江大桥正交异性板整体桥面系制作了U肋与横梁连接处2个1:1的整体模型,完成了精细的有限元分析和疲劳试验。

    Referring to the orthotropic monolithic steel deck system of NDB , two full scale monolithic models of U rib-to-diaphragm connection were fabricated , refined finite element analysis and fatigue experiments were carried out on the two models .

  2. 基于自然风特性及模拟点间的风速时程相关性,采用谐波合成法模拟了南京大胜关长江大桥的拱肋脉动风速时程。

    In consideration of large computational efforts of Deodatis simulation , a modified spectral representation method was proposed for simulating the fluctuating wind field of long span bridges .

  3. 南京大胜关长江大桥主桥钢桁拱采用架梁吊机双悬臂架设方案,主墩墩旁托架作为架梁的辅助支承体系必不可少。

    Used as the auxiliary supporting system for erection of the spans , the pier-side brackets to be arranged at the main piers of the bridge were indispensible .

  4. 以南京大胜关长江大桥为工程实例,运用本文的自由度信息加权法对该桥加速度传感器进行布置,布置结果与该桥的数值分析结果比较吻合,验证了本文方法的正确性。

    Take Nanjing Da-sheng-guan Yangtze River Bridge as an engineering example , using " Weighted Information of Degree of Freedom Method " to optimize its acceleration sensor . The optimization result was agreed with the numerical results , so the proposed method in this paper was verified correct .