
nán jīnɡ yuán rén
  • Nanjing Man
  1. 南京猿人洞石笋年代学研究及其古气候记录

    GEOCHRONOLOGICAL and Paleoclimatic studies on a stalagmite from Nanjing man cave

  2. 通过对南京汤山猿人洞穴内部东侧地质雷达勘探资料的分析,得出东部洞穴基岩埋深在10m以下,为水平状的岩系。

    Through analyzing the data of GPR exploration in the eastern cave of Homo erectus in Tangshan , this paper points out the bedrock of the eastern cave was more than 10 meters thick and probably belong to level-shaped rocks .

  3. 南京汤山猿人洞穴的形成及发展过程

    The Formation and Evolving Process of Tangshan Ape-man Caves , Nanjing