
The North and South pole are , by definition , antipodes .
The Poles , North and South , may seem very remote ,
The magnetic field forces the particles toward the north and south poles .
Study on the oscillation relationship between sea ice of the Arctic and Antarctic
Past feats have seen him go pole to pole and climb Everest as a pensioner .
On average , they 're spreading 3km every year , shifting north and south towards the poles .
Interesting fact , an ice age is defined when both polar caps are covered in ice , like now .
The most jeopardize is causes the north and south the two-pole ice melting , causes the sea level rising .
Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is stopped , the polar ice caps will melt with terrible consequences .
An imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles .
The rising of the trade and ports along the Ganjiang River between the south and the north appeared in Jiangxi .
The north and south poles greatly influence the atmosphere and ocean temperature , and therefore affect climatic changes throughout the world .
The reason is that almost all of the water lies trapped in the Martian polar ice caps or frozen beneath the surface .
The corona 's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike-like rays near the Sun 's north and south poles .
Feldman in the north and south , there 's so much of it there , it could be nothing else but water ice .
The activities of the human influenced the temperature of the weather of the Earth , bringing the beginning of the thaw of the icecaps of Antarctic and arctic poles .
Here the range of underwater flora seemed pretty comprehensive to me , as well as more abundant than it might have been in the arctic or tropical zones , where such exhibits are less common .
Lodestone is a type of magnetite ( a magnetic iron ore ) that becomes highly magnetized when struck by lightning . The result is a mineral that 's magnetized toward both the north and south poles .
Scientists say the Northern Lights , a natural phenomenon called aurora borealis , is created by the sun 's super hot atmosphere , which blasts particles into the protective magnetic field surrounding the Earth . The magnetic field forces the particles toward the north and south poles .
The Pacific Ocean extends north to south between the two polar circles and east to west between America and Asia over an expanse of 145 degrees of longitude . It 's the most tranquil of the seas ; its currents are wide and slow-moving , its tides moderate , its rainfall abundant .