
  1. 南北两极倒是标准定义上的对跖点。

    The North and South pole are , by definition , antipodes .

  2. 南北两极看似地处偏远

    The Poles , North and South , may seem very remote ,

  3. 来自太阳的带电粒子闯入地球周围的保护性磁场后,地球磁场迫使它们向南北两极运动。

    The magnetic field forces the particles toward the north and south poles .

  4. 南北两极海冰的涛动关系

    Study on the oscillation relationship between sea ice of the Arctic and Antarctic

  5. 过去,他曾引领了南北两极之游,还攀登过珠穆朗玛峰。

    Past feats have seen him go pole to pole and climb Everest as a pensioner .

  6. 它们的扩散速度达每年3公里,朝南北两极蔓延。

    On average , they 're spreading 3km every year , shifting north and south towards the poles .

  7. 有趣的是,按照定义,冰川期是指南北两极冰冠都有冰雪覆盖的时期,当下就是如此。

    Interesting fact , an ice age is defined when both polar caps are covered in ice , like now .

  8. 最主要的危害就是导致南北两极的冰盖融化,使海平面上升。

    The most jeopardize is causes the north and south the two-pole ice melting , causes the sea level rising .

  9. 如果不停止对臭氧层的破坏的话,南北两极的冰冠就可能会融化而带来可怕的后果。

    Unless the destruction of the ozone layer is stopped , the polar ice caps will melt with terrible consequences .

  10. 想象中环绕地球表面距南北两极距离相等的大圆。

    An imaginary line around the Earth forming the great circle that is equidistant from the north and south poles .

  11. 江西呈现以赣江为纽带的南北两极过境贸易的繁荣和沿江口岸的兴起。

    The rising of the trade and ports along the Ganjiang River between the south and the north appeared in Jiangxi .

  12. 南北两极对大气及海洋温度均有影响,导致全球气候的转变。

    The north and south poles greatly influence the atmosphere and ocean temperature , and therefore affect climatic changes throughout the world .

  13. 其原因是几乎所有的水都蕴藏在火星南北两极的冰盖下或冻结在表层下面。

    The reason is that almost all of the water lies trapped in the Martian polar ice caps or frozen beneath the surface .

  14. 光环带的光束像一把流光折扇,在太阳的南北两极附近形成纤细的辐射线。

    The corona 's rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike-like rays near the Sun 's north and south poles .

  15. 费尔德曼在火星南北两极蕴藏着如此之多的冰,除了是冰态水这外,别无可能。

    Feldman in the north and south , there 's so much of it there , it could be nothing else but water ice .

  16. 人类的活动影响了地球气候的温度,南北两极的冰盖也开始融化。

    The activities of the human influenced the temperature of the weather of the Earth , bringing the beginning of the thaw of the icecaps of Antarctic and arctic poles .

  17. 海底植物,据我看,在这里是应有尽有了,比产量较少的南北两极地带或热带区域,可能更为丰富。

    Here the range of underwater flora seemed pretty comprehensive to me , as well as more abundant than it might have been in the arctic or tropical zones , where such exhibits are less common .

  18. 天然磁石是一种被雷电击中之后高度磁化的磁铁矿石(带有磁性的铁矿石),可以自然指向南北两极。

    Lodestone is a type of magnetite ( a magnetic iron ore ) that becomes highly magnetized when struck by lightning . The result is a mineral that 's magnetized toward both the north and south poles .

  19. 科学家解释说,北极光是一种由太阳超高温大气层所引起的自然现象。来自太阳的带电粒子闯入地球周围的保护性磁场后,地球磁场迫使它们向南北两极运动。

    Scientists say the Northern Lights , a natural phenomenon called aurora borealis , is created by the sun 's super hot atmosphere , which blasts particles into the protective magnetic field surrounding the Earth . The magnetic field forces the particles toward the north and south poles .

  20. 太平洋从北至南,是在南北两极之间,从西至东,是在亚洲和美洲之间,共有经度145度的宽广。太平洋是最平静的海,海潮阔大缓慢,潮水中常,雨量丰富。

    The Pacific Ocean extends north to south between the two polar circles and east to west between America and Asia over an expanse of 145 degrees of longitude . It 's the most tranquil of the seas ; its currents are wide and slow-moving , its tides moderate , its rainfall abundant .