
  1. 南北派演奏风格融于一体,会使我国的民族音乐艺术更富有生命力。

    The mixture of the two executing styles can make our national music art full of vitality .

  2. 中华武术素有南北派武功之分。

    There is always a division of the southern-school and northern-school Wushu work in the Chinese Wushu .

  3. 从做法和口味上我们可将汤圆分为南北派,尽管风格迥异,但其内涵依旧饱满,值得人们从里至外一一细品。

    From practice and in the taste we can be divided into north and south pie , although dumpling disparate style , but its connotation is still full , worthy of people from inside to outside one fine taste .

  4. 12~13世纪的南北词派及其关系

    On Northern and Southern Schools of Ci in the 12 ~ ( th ) Century and the 13 ~ ( th ) Century and Their Relations

  5. 在传统上,中国武术以长江为界划分为南北两大派。

    China is traditionally divided by the north and south by the great Yangtse River .