
  1. 桂西南岩溶植被演替过程中的植物多样性

    Species Diversity in the Process of Succession of Karst Vegetation in Southwest Guangxi

  2. 鲁中南岩溶塌陷区岩溶水污染途径研究

    Study on pollution routes of karst groundwater in karst collapse regions of Shandong Province

  3. 滇东南岩溶山地次生林土壤种子库储量与优势成分

    Storage and dominants in soil seed banks under karst secondary forests in southeastern Yunnan

  4. 滇东南岩溶山区4个针阔叶树种造林试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Silviculture Experiment of Four Species at Karst Mountainous Area of Southeast Yunnan

  5. 桂西南岩溶山区特早熟桃四月红高产栽培技术

    High yielding cultivation techniques for early maturing peach " Siyuehong " in Karst areas of southwest Guangxi

  6. 鲁中南岩溶水资源综合类型及合理调蓄研究

    The Comprehensive Type Classification and Proper Adjustment of Karst Water Resource in the Central-South Region of Shandong Province

  7. 滇东南岩溶山区4种经济林树种的引种成效初报

    Preliminary Report on the Introduction Effectiveness of 4 Economic Forest Tree Species in Karst Mountain Area of Southeast Yunnan

  8. 鲁中南岩溶区是中国北方半干旱温带岩溶区中具有代表性的地区之一。

    The central south karst region of Shandong Province is one of the typical areas in the Northern China temperate semi arid karst area .

  9. 南岩:为道教所称真武得道飞升之“圣境”,是武当山36岩中风光最美的一处。

    Nan Yan : In order to the alleged Zhenwu Taoist enlightenment soaring " Sheng Jing ," 36 Rock Mountain is in a most beautiful scenery .

  10. 大别山造山带,是秦岭褶皱带南东的组成部分,它与龟(山)&梅(山)断裂带、北东向断裂共同控制着豫南岩浆岩的分布。

    Dabieshan Mountain orogen consisted of the south-east Qinling fold Zone , controls the magmatic rock together in southern Henan Province with Guishan-Meishan fault zone and north-east fault .

  11. 芙蓉三冠之主峰“南岩”,相传南宋末代皇帝就是从此峰跳下自杀的地方,颇有点“江南景山”的味道。

    Hibiscus three of the highest peak " Nanyan ," Legend has it that the Southern Song Dynasty Last Emperor suicide jumped from the peak , quite points ," Jiangnan Jingshan " flavor .