
nán cháo
  • Southern Dynasties;the Southern Dynasties , namely, the Song Dynasty , the Qi Dynasty , the Liang Dynasty and the Chen Dynasty
南朝 [nán cháo]
  • [Southern Dynasties] 宋、齐、梁、陈四个朝代的总称

  • 南朝四百八十寺。—— 唐· 杜牧《江南春绝句》

  • 南朝自 武昌至 京口。—— 宋· 陆游《过小孤山大孤山》

南朝[nán cháo]
  1. 南朝财政管理体制探微。

    Fourth , the Southern Dynasty financial control system searches micro .

  2. 南朝帝王在文学发展中的作用

    On the Influence of Emperors of Southern Dynasties on Literary Development

  3. 南朝是中国历史上文化昌盛的时代。

    The Southern Dynasties flourished in culture in the Chinese history .

  4. 试论南朝文人的家族意识和乡土情结

    Household Consciousness and Local Complex of Scholars in the South Dynasty

  5. 南朝的诗学思想蓬勃发展。

    The idea of poetics was flourishing in the South dynasty .

  6. 南朝江沔地区蛮族研究

    The Savage Nationality Study of Southern Dynasties in Jiang Mian Region

  7. 南朝岭南社会阶级的变动

    The Change of Social Classes of Lingnan During the Southern Dynasties

  8. 南朝宋、齐、梁、陈四代,王朝更替的模式基本相同。

    The dynasties subrogation models were basically alike in the Southern Dynasties .

  9. 论南朝时期贵族教育的失误

    The Faults of the Aristocrats Education in the Southern Dynasties

  10. 故居座南朝北,背山面水。

    Former north to south mountain seat back surface water .

  11. 南朝文化、文学观与散文风格

    The Culture , Literary Sense and Prose Style in the Southern Dynasty

  12. 南朝蛮族问题研究

    Studies on the Barbaric Ethnic Groups Problem in Southern Dynasties

  13. 南朝战争诗风格论

    The Style of the Warfare Poems in the Southern Dynasties

  14. 南朝吴郡张氏研究

    Study on Clan Zhang in The Southern Dynasties in Wu Prefecture Summary

  15. 论南朝民歌与宫体诗的关系

    On the Relationship between Folk Songs in Nan Dynasty and Dynasty Poems

  16. 第一部分,考察南朝辞赋题材选择的时代精神及原因。

    One chapter , investigate time spirit and reasons of theme choice .

  17. 语言媒介与南朝诗风的演变

    Language Media and the Evolution of the Poetic Styles in Nan Dynasties

  18. 南朝陵墓雕刻之生态环境观

    Ecological Environment View on Tomb Stone Carving in Nan Dynasty

  19. 论述南朝赋税的征收方式。

    Elaborates collection way which the Southern Dynasty pays taxes .

  20. 南朝陈诗三体说

    On the Three Styles of Chen Poems in Nan Dynasty

  21. 建安文学在南朝的传播接受

    The Spread and Acceptance of Jian'an Literature in Nan Dynasty

  22. 北朝文学的发展,是通过模拟南朝文学,以北朝文学南方化的方式实现的。

    By imitating , the literature of North Dynasties graft onto the South .

  23. 试论南朝文人情诗的男权文化特色

    On the Characteristics of Male-centered Culture of Cove Poems Written in Southern Dynasties

  24. 在中国古代诗歌史上,南朝是个非常重要的时期。

    Southern dynasties is a very important period in ancient Chinese poetry history .

  25. 南朝陵墓雕刻造型风格之技法成因

    Skill-formation Causes for the Formative Style of Mausoleum Sculptures in the South Dynasty

  26. 东晋南朝陈郡高门袁氏研究

    A Research into the Prestigious Yuan Family of Chen Prefecture in Southern Dynasties

  27. 王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。

    At Southern dynasties , calligrapher Wang seng-qian also was a calligrphic theorist .

  28. 论南朝前期的风格批评模式

    On the Mode of Style Criticism in the Early Times of Nan Dynasty

  29. 多元思想背景下的伦理法制&兼议东晋南朝法律思想的时代特点

    On Ethical Legality under the Background of Plural Thoughts

  30. 论建安文学在南朝的接受

    Jian'an Literature 's being accepted in the Southern Dynasty