
Nán Yánɡ Dà Xué
  • Nanyang University
  1. 他的弟弟考取了南洋大学。

    His brother succeeded in the examination of Nanyang University .

  2. 我是南洋大学第一届毕业生。

    I was among the pioneer Batch of graduates from Nanyang University .

  3. 新加坡南洋大学的改革与关闭

    Reform and Closing Down of Nanyang University in Singapore

  4. 这位南洋大学理学院毕业生,始终对昔日母校同窗情谊念兹在兹。

    The Science graduate from Nanyang University devotes time to promoting camaraderie among its alumni .

  5. 各网页的言论,只表达原稿作者的见解,不尽反映各地南洋大学校友会的观点。

    This site is not part of any Alumni Association and hence does not represent any of their views .

  6. 使南洋大学由一间私立、仿美国学制的华文大学,逐步改变成由政府资助,乃至由政府监控、依英国学制而塑造的英文大学。

    Nanyang University was gradually transformed from a private Chinese-language university with American school system into an English-language university supervised by the government and moulded upon British school system .

  7. 1955年成立的南洋大学,更充分体现了华人社会,坚决要把华族文化一代代流传下去的决心。

    The establishment of Nanyang University in 1955 expressed the determination of the Chinese community in Singapore , not only to transmit , but also to develop its culture from generation to generation .

  8. 在公司成立初期,他们得到了母校新加坡南洋大学以及新加坡国立大学的鼎力支持,并且在产品研发方面,两所高校也为他们提供了有力的技术支撑。

    During the early phase of the company , the two young men got a lot of technical supports from Nanyang Technical University and National University of Singapore in the R & D of products .

  9. 目前他们分别在上海交通大学(ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity)、新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)和尚德商学院工作。

    They are now at Shanghai Jiao Tong University , Nanyang Technological University and Sauder .

  10. 他和南洋理工大学一道进行这项研究的同事弗朗西斯科·苏亚雷斯-鲁伊斯(FranciscoSuárez-Ruiz)及周宪(音)并非独行者。

    He and his Nanyang colleagues who worked on the study , Francisco Su á rez-Ruiz and Xian Zhou , aren 't alone .

  11. 在过去两次的排名中均居第二的新加坡南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity,简称N.T.U.)超过香港科技大学,拔得头筹。

    Nanyang Technological University in Singapore , second in the past two editions , overtook Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to secure the top spot .

  12. 南洋理工大学(NanyangTechnologicalUniversity)的一个团队给一个机器人编了程序,让其创造并执行计划,自主组装宜家售价25美元的松木斯第芬(Stefan)椅的大部分,要做到这一点需要各种人类的技能。

    A team from Nanyang Technological University programmed a robot to create and execute a plan to piece together most of Ikea 's $ 25 solid-pine Stefan chair on its own , calling on a medley of human skills to do so .

  13. 纳丁是新加坡南洋理工大学(NTU)科学家们的智慧结晶,其运行机制类似苹果Siri或微软小娜,她的外貌完全是按照其创造者纳迪娅·塔尔曼教授的样子为蓝本。

    Powered by intelligent software similar to Apple 's Siri or Microsoft 's Cortana , she is the brainchild of scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and is based on her creator Prof Nadia Thalmann .

  14. 大成道,南洋理工大学,新加坡。

    Dacheng Tao , Nanyang Technological University , Singapore .

  15. 南洋理工大学:是亚洲最优秀的理工科大学。

    Nanyang Technological university : is the Asia most outstanding university in science and engineering .

  16. 新加坡南洋理工大学的成功崛起&创业型大学战略的实施

    The successful rise of Nanyang Technology University of Singapore & Strategy choice of entrepreneurial universities

  17. 一个是与南洋理工大学。这都重申了各方对研究合作的承诺。

    and another one with the Nanyang Technological University , reaffirming the parties ' commitment to deepen research collaboration .

  18. (作者是南洋理工大学国立教育学院高级院士、华文报咨询团成员。)

    ( The writer is Senior Fellow of the National Institute of Education and a SPH Chinese newspapers resource panelist . )

  19. 以目前南洋理工大学学中文的人数为基础,我并不担忧学生人数的问题。

    Based on the number of students currently studying Chinese in ntu , I am not worried about the enrolment figures at all .

  20. 但组装带有靠背、横档及其他部件的椅子难度更大,因此这激起了南洋理工大学研究人员的兴趣。

    But chairs , with backs , stretchers and other parts , pose a more complex challenge ; hence the interest of the Nanyang researchers .

  21. 这款应用由成都大熊猫繁育研究基地、新加坡南洋理工大学和四川师范大学的研究人员共同开发。

    The app is developed by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding along with researchers in Singapore Nanyang Technological university and Sichuan Normal University .

  22. 杨杰圣教授凭他深具开创性的技术开发成果,协助巩固了南洋理工大学在科研领域的权威与声望,为此获颁南洋校友成就奖。

    For enhancing the stature of NTU as a research-intensive university through innovative technologies , Prof Yeo Kiat Seng is presented the Nanyang Alumni Achievement Award .

  23. 2007年取得南洋理工大学工商管理硕士学位,2009年度获得“南洋校友服务奖”。

    He holds a Master of Business Administration degree from the Nanyang Technology University in2007.And in2009 he has been granted of " NTU Alumni Service Award " .

  24. 我在新加坡南洋理工大学攻读会计学本科学位的时候得到了毕马威的奖学金,同时承诺为毕马威工作五年。

    I was awarded KPMG Singapore scholarship , which has a5 years bond , to pursue a Bachelor of Accountancy degree in Nanyang Technological University of Singapore .

  25. 另外,香港大学排名第42,大阪大学排名第50。新加坡南洋理工大学也以第95名的成绩榜上有名。

    The University of Hong Kong is the42nd and Japan 's Osaka is No.50 . Singapore 's Nanyang Technological University is also on the list at the95th place .

  26. 南洋理工大学:是亚洲最优秀的理工科大学。工科大学生每天得做大量的作业。

    Nanyang Technological University : Is Asia 's most outstanding university in science and engineering . A college student has to do a host of assignments every day .

  27. 本文介绍了新加坡南洋理工大学的学校概况、入学要求、专业设置以及学费、与中国的合作项目等情况。

    This article introduces the general situation , admission requirements , major project , tuition and cooperative items with China and so on of Nanyang Technological University , Singapore .

  28. 一件就是南洋理工大学校长发现校园里华语太盛行了,因此呼吁学生多讲英语;

    In the first case , the president of NTU found the use of Mandarin getting too popular on the campus and so urged students to speak more English .

  29. 最近他是新加坡南洋理工大学的高性能云计算以及加拿大皇家银行的测试和开发云方面的架构师。

    Recently he was the architect for the High Performance Computing Cloud for the Nanyang Technological University , Singapore and the Test and Development Cloud for the Royal Bank of Canada .

  30. 校友服务奖首创于1996年,以表扬为南洋理工大学的发展和校友活动做出杰出贡献的校友。

    The Alumni Service Award was first set up in1996 to recognise alumni , who have rendered outstanding service and contributed in furthering the interests of the University , and its alumni .