
  1. 南海观音是一个很棒的景点。

    Nahai Guanyin is a great scenic spot .

  2. 就是这尊南海观音铜像。

    Is this Nanhai Guanyin bronze statue .

  3. 有一座南海观音像,是东海带最高的菩萨像。

    There is a statue of Avalokitesvara , which is the highest Bodhisattva statue in East China Sea .

  4. 此时恰好南海观音菩萨经过,喝住双方并出面调停。

    At the same time , the Avalokitesvara of the South Sea happened to pass by , held out the both sides , and acted as mediator .

  5. 当你从关帝庙的正门步入,迎面是南海观音菩萨,左侧为释迦牟尼睡佛群像;

    If you enter the temple through the front gate , you will see Guantin Bodhisattva before you , and a group of Buddha 's at the left .

  6. 由于普陀山具备了对外交流的地域与人文优势,故南海观音在魏晋之际已有流布迹象,并于南朝萧梁时期成形。

    As Mount Putuo is provided with the region for external exchange and human advantages , Nanhai Guanyin had the sign of spreading between the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty and was formed during the reign of Xiao Liang in Southern Dynasties .

  7. 这是“海岛观音”。悟空急忙跳出火阵,见不能取胜,便到南海请观音菩萨。

    This is ' Guanyin Bodhisattva on a Sea Island ' . Monkey , knowing he could not win , jumped out of the sea of fire and went to the South Sea to ask the Goddess Guanyin for help .