
  • 网络South Yorkshire
  1. 昨天南约克郡法院准予他获得保释。

    He was yesterday given bail by South Yorkshire magistrates .

  2. 本文作者是英国南约克郡一家医院的医生

    Sophie Harrison is a hospital doctor in South Yorkshire

  3. 30年代初在南约克郡的一些村庄,几乎所有适于雇用的人都领取失业救济金。

    In the early 1930s nearly every employable person in some of the South Yorkshire villages was on the dole .

  4. 这位身份不明的司机,是在南约克郡的高速公路上失去了对跑车的控制。

    The driver , who has not been identified , lost control of his brand newsports car , on a motorway in South Yorkshire .

  5. 据南约克郡警方在脸书上的一个帖子称,司机在提了这辆超级跑车后才一小时就发生了此事故,眼睁睁地看着他新买的斯库德里亚法拉利430化为乌有。

    According to a Facebook post by South Yorkshire Police , the driver watched his newly-bought Ferrari 430 Scuderia go up in smoke after he crashed the supercar just an hour after collecting it .

  6. 南约克郡的警方表示,他们惊奇的发现这位司机躲过了这场火灾,基本未受伤,并称他“非常幸运”的从事故中逃出,仅有“轻微的割伤和擦伤”。

    South Yorkshire Police say they were surprised to see that the driver had escaped the blaze mostly unharmed , adding that he was " very lucky " to walk away from the crash with only " minor cuts and bruises . "