
  • 网络North Korean Partisan In South Korea;Nambugun
  1. 南部联盟军在纽霍教堂的伤亡是惨重的。

    The Confederate dead and wounded at new hope church ran high .

  2. 南部联盟军在25天内后退了70英里,几乎每天都在作战。

    For seventy miles and twenty-five days the Confederates had fought almost daily .

  3. 南部联盟军疲乏得边行军边打瞌睡,绝大部分人已什么也不想了。

    The Confederates marched in their sleep , too tired to think for the most part .

  4. 他停止正面进攻,又一次采取包抄战术,来一个大迂回,企图插入南部联盟军和亚特兰大之间。

    Instead of continuing the direct assault , he swung his army in a wide circle again and tried to come between the Confederates and atlanta .

  5. 而当这些骑兵们高举着手里的剑时,南部的同盟军士兵被踩在马脚下。

    The Southern Confederate soldiers are shown forced under the feet of the horses , while the horsemen hold their swords high .