
  1. 他在秦都南门放了一根细木杆。

    He put a thin wooden pole at the south gate of the Qin capital .

  2. 从大明湖公园南门小走一段,你便会领略到济南的瑰宝。

    A short walk from the south gate of the park you can appreciate the treasure of Jinan .

  3. 沪嘉高速公路是204国道(上海至烟台)的人沪路段,从上海市区祁连山路至市郊嘉定县南门,是一条全立交全封闭设备全供汽车专用的高等级公路。

    Hujia Expressway is a section entering into Shanghai of 204 National Road ( Shanghai to Yantai ) , from the Qilian Mountain Road of Shanghai suburb to the south gate of Jiading County , a full-lnterchange closed equipment for the entire car dedicated highgrade highways .

  4. 团城,在北海公园南门外,是一座圆台式的古老园林建筑,已有800多年的历史。

    Outside the south gate of Beihai Park is an ancient round garden architecture , over 800 years old .