
  1. 苏州大学英语语言文学专业兼职博士研究生导师。

    Concurrently tutor of doctoral degree candidates in English Language and Literature of Suzhou University .

  2. 姜节泓在伯明翰艺术与设计学院任硕士和博士研究生导师,并于国内多所院校的硕士和博士课程客座任教,其中包括中央美术学院,中国美术学院和清华大学美术学院。

    He lectures both in the UK and in China , including the Central Academy of Fine Arts , China Academy of Art and Qinghua Institute of Art and Design , and supervises doctoral studies .

  3. 年被聘为西安交通大学低温工程学科博士点博士研究生导师。

    Was authorized by the University of Xi'an Jiaotong as a doctoral Supervisor ( 1994 ) .