
  • 网络bolton;Bolton Wanderers;john bolton;Boulton;Bourton-on-the-water
  1. 他在博尔顿巡行时遭到愤怒的抗议者的围攻。

    He was ambushed by angry protesters during a walkabout in Bolton .

  2. 博尔顿和索尔福德之间有一班公共汽车往返。

    A bus service operates between Bolton and Salford .

  3. 警察把艾伦·洛德抓了回来,他是从博尔顿的一个警察局拘留室逃走的。

    Police have recaptured Alan Lord , who escaped from a police cell in Bolton .

  4. 事实上,博尔顿是一名独角滑稽秀演员,他在YouTube上分享恶作剧视频,收到的评价褒贬不一。

    Bolton is actually a stand-up comedian who posted a video of the prank to YouTube - where is has received mixed reviews .

  5. 博尔顿生于英国,现年49岁,在加入大都会博物馆前在伦敦的维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆(VictoriaandAlbertMuseum)工作了九年。博尔顿说,他从科达那里懂得了把新与旧放置在一起的价值。

    Mr. Bolton , who worked at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London for nine years before joining the Met , said he had learned from Mr. Koda the value of juxtaposing the old and the new .

  6. 富达(Fidelity)的明星基金经理安东尼•博尔顿(AnthonyBolton)日前警告称,新兴市场的成功奇迹是他在投资方面最担忧的问题。他表示,新兴市场投资风险和回报的基本面因素已经恶化。

    Fidelity 's star fund manager Anthony Bolton has warned that the emerging markets success story is at the forefront of his investment concerns , saying the risk and reward basis has changed for the worse .

  7. 格林哈尔说,图上的女人不是什么意大利贵妇,而是英格兰西北部曼彻斯特市郊外博尔顿某超市内一个名叫艾莉森(Alison)的女收银员。

    Mr. Greenhalgh says the subject was not an Italian noblewoman , but a check-out girl named Alison who worked at a supermarket in Bolton outside Manchester in northwest England .

  8. 虽然博尔顿和有带欺负放在高与山姆近年来,我CNT的看到他们做一样的是,明年里亚尔,甚至下滑到降级的战斗。

    Bolton and ther band of bullies have placed high with sam in recent years , I cnt see them doing anything like that next yr , and maybe even Lipping into the relegation battle .

  9. 朴智星作为队长打满了90分钟,韩国的2个进球都是由博尔顿边锋Chung-YongLee策划的,这对于曼联是个警示。本周末我们就要踢博尔顿。

    Park played the full game as captain , while both goals were set up by Bolton Wanderers winger Chung-Yong Lee-a warning to United , perhaps , for Saturday 's match .

  10. 《纽约时报》的罗伯塔·史密斯(RobertaSmith)在评论博尔顿2013年组织的“朋克:从混乱到时装”展(Punk:ChaostoCouture)时写道:“时装很少像在这场展览中这样显得轻浮而无关紧要。”

    In her review of the 2013 show " Punk : Chaos to Couture , " which Mr. Bolton organized , Roberta Smith of The New York Times wrote that " fashion has rarely looked as frivolous , beside the point and 1 percent-ish as here . "

  11. 目前的博尔顿队既说不上太好也说不上太坏。

    It is either very good or very bad with Bolton .

  12. 风格:现实中博尔顿的打法比较像。

    Style : this system follows a bolton-esque style of play .

  13. 上周博尔顿的比赛暴露我们后防的问题。

    Last weekend 's game at Bolton highlighted our defensive problems .

  14. 上周六,我选择了一些队员只是为了击败博尔顿。

    On Saturday , I selected a team just to beat Bolton .

  15. 凯利被提名为博尔顿韦斯特的候选人。

    Kelly was adopted as the candidate for Bolton west .

  16. 据说博尔顿先生自己也期望如此。

    Mr Bolton himself was said to have been keen .

  17. 这是连续两个赛季哈曼让博尔顿失望。

    This is the second successive season Hamann has let down Bolton .

  18. 我10岁就去参加了在博尔顿的训练。

    I went on trial to Bolton when I was10 .

  19. 看来这里有很多人博尔顿

    There are a lot of people seems to Bolton

  20. 她嫁给了一位来自博尔顿的药剂师。

    She married a pharmacist who comes front bolton .

  21. 距离上次切尔西队博尔顿输球还是10个赛季以前的事了。

    The last time Chelsea lost on bolton 's patch was10 seasons ago .

  22. 多美子-博尔顿是一位退役海军军官的女儿,其母亲是一名护士。

    She 's the daughter of a nurse and a retired naval officer .

  23. 尽管如此,博尔顿还是有一个雄心勃勃的愿望清单。

    That said , however , Mr. Bolton has an ambitious wish list .

  24. 几年以后,博尔顿将蒸汽动力应用到了硬币铸造。

    A few years later , Boulton applied steam power to minting coins .

  25. 大家对加拉斯在对阵博尔顿的比赛中那次犯规出离愤怒。

    The furor over Gallas 's tackle after the Bolton game was incredible .

  26. 我可以理解博尔顿对此感到心烦。

    I can understand Bolton being upset about it .

  27. 很不幸,维尔贝克因伤错过了桑德兰2-1击败博尔顿的比赛。

    Unfortunately , Danny Welbeck missed Sunderland's2-1 win at Bolton due to injury .

  28. 文洛克和曼德维尔是描绘博尔顿一间炼钢厂的钢铁的卡通人物。

    Wenlock and Mandeville are animated figures depicting steel from a steelworks in Bolton .

  29. 博尔顿的踢球方式和布莱克本很相似,身体强硬,且爱打长传。

    The way they play is very similar to Blackburn-very physical and long balls .

  30. 在主场战胜博尔顿的比赛中他也有很好的表现。

    He was again at his mercurial best when Bolton came to Old Trafford .