
  • 网络bhopal;Bophal
  1. ②1984年发生的博帕尔毒气事件被称做化学工业的广岛(Hiroshima)。

    The Bhopal gas tragedy in1984 can rightly be called the Hiroshima of the chemical industry .

  2. 之后,联合碳化物公司于1994年将其印度业务出售给印度本土公司McleodRussel,出售所得转入了博帕尔医院信托(BhopalHospitalTrust)。

    Union Carbide then sold its Indian business to McLeod Russel , a local company , in 1994 . The sale proceeds went to the Bhopal Hospital Trust .

  3. 从1984年博帕尔的有毒化学物质的灾难到奥萨里邦NiyamgiriHills的铝土采矿与铝厂,活动人士对有毒废物发起了长期的法律之战。

    From the1984 toxic chemical disaster in Bhopal , to a bauxite mining and aluminium refinery in the Niyamgiri Hills , Orissa , activists have been waging long-running legal battles against toxic wastes .

  4. 这是我在博帕尔最快乐的时光。

    This is the happiest time I 've had in bhopal .

  5. 这意味着一般美国人的头发里所含的化学物比博帕尔人的还要多。

    This means that the average American 's hair contains more chemicals than Bhopal .

  6. 博帕尔的毒气泄漏造成至少8000人死亡,或许更多。

    The gas leak at Bhopal killed at least 8,000 people and possibly many more .

  7. 直面灾难:美国鉴于印度博帕尔毒气泄漏事件采取的化学品事故应对措施

    Facing uo to Disaster : the US Response to Chemical Accidents in the Wake of Bhopal

  8. 巴勃罗·巴塞洛缪是一位拍摄了博帕尔惨案的印度著名记者。

    Pablo Bartholomew is an acclaimed Indian photojournalist who captured the Bhopal Gas Tragedy into his lens .

  9. 论跨国公司环境法律责任与不方便法院原则&以博帕尔案为例

    On the Environmental Legal Liability of Multinationals and the Principle of Forum Non Conveniens & example of Bhopal Case

  10. 从日本的四大公害事件到印度的博帕尔惨案,人类经历了太多的痛苦。

    Form the four pollution affair in Japan to the Bhopal Disaster in India , we have suffered too much .

  11. 博帕尔案的不方便法院原则研究&兼谈跨国公司环境法律责任问题

    On the Principle of Forum Non Conveniens from the Bhopal Case & Also on the Environmental Legal Liability of Multinationals

  12. 印度博帕尔城联合碳化物杀虫剂工厂毒气泄露事件至今整整25年了。

    India is marking the25th anniversary of the leak at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in the city of Bhopal .

  13. 印度博帕尔城联合碳化物杀虫剂工厂发生毒气泄露事件至今已经整整25年了。

    India is marking the 25th anniversary of the leak at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in the city of Bhopal .

  14. 来自纽约的拉伊·沙尔玛是1999年提起诉讼的博帕尔地下水污染案件中原告方律师。

    New York-based lawyer Rajan Sharma , who represents Bhopal plaintiffs in a groundwater contamination case , filed in 1999 , disputes Dow 's stance .

  15. 笔者详细论述了不方便法院原则,包括不方便法院原则的起源和对印度博帕尔案中不方便法院原则的适用和评析以及对不方便法院原则的利弊分析。

    Author describes the Doctrine of Forum Non Convenience in detail , including its origin 、 the application in case of Bhopal in India and its pros and cons .

  16. 印度博帕尔毒气泄漏案是美国法院依据不方便法院原则中止诉讼的最著名的判例。

    The judicial treatment of Indian poisonous gas leaking case can be taken as the most well known case for its suspension based on the non-convenient principle by American court .

  17. 1984年3月3日,在印度博帕尔,联合碳化公司运营的一农药厂子公司发生气体逸出,致4000多人死亡。

    On Dec. 3 , 1984 , more than 4000 people died after a cloud of gas escaped from a pesticide plant operated by a Union Carbide subsidiary in Bhopal , India .

  18. 在这个星期五,2009年8月7日的照片,希拉拉尔,谁失去了行动的能力和听到的,就奠定了他在外面印度博帕尔简陋的简易床铺上。

    In this Friday , Aug.7,2009 photograph , Hira Lal , who has lost the ability to move and hear , lays on a makeshift bed outside his shanty in Bhopal , India .

  19. 博帕尔所在地中央邦的首席部长希夫拉吉辛格乔汉承认灾难的受害者和幸存者对判决结果感到强烈不满,他承诺将对判决结果提起上诉。

    Acknowledging the huge anger among the victims and survivors of the disaster , the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh state , where Bhopal is located , Shivraj Singh chouhan , promises to appeal the verdict .

  20. 他表示,陶氏化学没有参与博帕尔这家工厂的运营,同意收购联合碳化物公司之时,距离该公司了结诉讼已过去了10年,距离其出售印度业务也过去了5年。

    Dow had no involvement in running the Bhopal plant and agreed to buy Union Carbide a decade after that company had settled its litigation and five years after it had sold its Indian business , he said .

  21. 1971年在西孟加拉邦,正是这双手为孟加拉国难民按摩骨瘦如柴的四肢,1984年12月在博帕尔市,也正是这双手为化工厂爆炸受害者安减轻被灼伤眼睛的疼痛。

    Those same hands , in West Bengal in 1971 , had massaged the scrawny limbs of Bangladeshi refugees , and in December 1984 had soothed the burning eyes of victims of the explosion at a chemical factory in Bhopal .