
  • 【人名】Cassius
  1. 屋大维和马克·安东尼在公元前42年战胜布鲁特斯和卡修斯。

    Octavian and Mark Antony defeated Brutus and Cassius in 42 BC .

  2. 在战斗初期,卡修斯的部队处境艰难。

    The forces of Cassius were hard pressed early in the battle .

  3. 卡修斯•克莱获得了重量级拳王的称号并把他的名字改成了穆罕默德•阿里。

    Cassius Clay captured the heavy weight title and changed his name to Muhammad Ali .

  4. 后来成为“拳王”阿里的卡修斯•克莱对短跑选手鲁道夫一见倾心。

    Cassius Clay , who would become Muhammad ' The Greatest " Ali had a big crush on sprinter Wilma Rudolph .

  5. 其中的男女主角分别是1960年(罗马)奥运会的轻重量级拳击金牌得主卡修斯•克莱与女子短跑冠军威尔玛•鲁道夫。

    The backdrop was the 1960 Olympics in Rome . It featured the boxing light heavyweight gold medallist and the fastest woman of that Olympics .

  6. 这位赛车手只在午休前出庭了一小会儿,马上奔赴布里斯托尔,探望娇妻乔治娜和他们刚出生的第三个娃男孩,名叫卡修斯。

    The racer left court shortly before lunch to return to Bristol , where his wife Georgina has just given birth to their third child - a boy called Cassius .