
  • 网络cataldo;Dario Cataldo;Giancarlo De Cataldo
  1. 无助的卡塔尔多血流一地,跌跌撞撞地走出酒吧,几分钟后死在了大街上。

    Leaving a trail of blood , Cataldo staggered helplessly out of the saloon , only to die minutes later on the pavement .

  2. 数小时后,她在卡塔尔多身边醒来,两人躺在猩红色的床上,他还为得到了玛利亚的贞洁而欣喜不已。

    When she awoke beside Cataldo hours later in a bloody bed , he rejoiced in the fact that he had taken her purity .

  3. 几周后,玛利亚要求对方给她一个名分,但卡塔尔多却当着一个酒吧所有人的面坦言绝不会和她结婚。

    After weeks of Maria insisting on legitimacy to their relationship , Cataldo confessed in front of an entire saloon that he would never marry her .

  4. 在曼哈顿的小意大利城,24岁的玛利亚·芭芭拉邂逅了27岁的多曼西欧·卡塔尔多,一位和她一样居住在小意大利城的意大利移民。

    In Manhattan 's Little Italy , 24-year-old Maria Barbella met 27-year-old Domencio Cataldo , an Italian immigrant who came from the same region of Italy as her .

  5. 抱着最后一丝希望,玛利亚再次恳求希望两人能做夫妻,并幻想他能回心转意,而卡塔尔多的回答是,“只有猪才会和你结婚。”盛怒之下,玛利亚抽出一把折叠剃刀瞬间划开了卡塔尔多的喉咙。

    In one last attempt to gain respite from heartache , Maria asked a final time to be his wife , to which Cataldo replied , " Only a pig would marry you . " In the heat of the moment , Maria dragged a straight razor across Cataldo 's throat .

  6. 卡塔尔人大多将他描述为一个精明的人。

    Qataris generally describe him as shrewd .

  7. 据估计90年代受到起诉的6个卡塔尔总共使发展中国家多付出了30亿-70亿美元。

    Six international cartels prosecuted in the1990s are estimated to have over-charged developing countries a total of about $ 3 to $ 7 billion .

  8. 杜嘉班纳(D&G)仅在阿联酋就已经开设了13家专卖店和精品店,在巴林,科威特,卡塔尔和沙特阿拉伯的多个国家还有更多分店。

    D & G already operates 13 stores and boutiques in the United Arab Emirates alone , with multiple outposts across Bahrain , Kuwait , Qatar , and Saudi Arabia .