
  • 网络Kaposi;Kapo;Capo;CARBOPOL;carbomer
  1. 卡波树脂具有优良的增稠性、凝胶性、粘合性、乳化性和悬浮性。

    Carbomer resin has excellent thickening , gelling , adhering , emulsifying and suspending abilities .

  2. 特别是当卡波凝胶中是离子形式的双氯芬酸钠时,其有无促透剂的24h累积透过量之比值只为1.17。

    Especially for that of diclofenac sodium as ion pair form in carbopol gel , the enhancement ratio was only 1.17 .

  3. 我妈是不是在卡波和别人有一腿?

    Did Mom have an affair in Cabo or not ?

  4. 卡波司基大兵已经变成那几位军官的专家了。

    Private Kapowski has become something of an expert on those fellows .

  5. 你们得带莉莉去卡波

    So you guys are gonna have to bring Lily to Cabo ,

  6. 嘿,卡波司基,你有看到过哈定吗?

    Hey Kapowski , you seen any sign of Harding ?

  7. 我从未去过卡波。

    Oh , I 've , uh , never been to Cabo .

  8. 我早计划好和我的朋友们去卡波过圣诞节了。

    I already had plans to spend Christmas in Cabo with my friends .

  9. 就一带小孩的班嘛又不是去卡波的飞机

    It 's a toddler play class , not a flight to cabo .

  10. 皇家贝蒂斯已经和尤文图斯中场卡波达成了初步协议。

    Real Betis have secured a pre-contract agreement with Juventus midfielder Olivier Kapo .

  11. 当他们休息进来的时候,我听从卡波司基的。

    When it comes to breaking and entering , I defer to kapowski .

  12. 在从卡波雷托撤退的过程中,亨利向武器告了别。

    During the retreat from Caporetto Henry had made his farewell to arms .

  13. 卡波司基,有别的什么好的建议吗?

    Got any other sage advice , kapowski ?

  14. 如果我去卡波睡眠情况会是怎样的?

    Well , if I went to cabo , what would the sleeping situation be ?

  15. 我得去卡波了。

    I got to go to Cabo .

  16. 我跟他只有一小时会谈时间,那还是趁着他在阿斯彭和卡波间的度假间隙。

    I only get him for an hour between his vacations in Aspen and Cabo .

  17. 二阶导数分光光度法预测注射用卡波铂稳定性及其影响因素的研究

    Study on stability of carboplatin for injection and its influence factor by second order derivative UV Spectrophotometry

  18. 你还有机会来卡波。布兰克学校跟我一起工作,对吧?

    You still have the chance to come and work with me in Cabo blanco , eh ?

  19. 假设她现在坐在一架去往卡波的飞机上。

    Okay , let 's just suppose for a second that she 's on a plane to Cabo .

  20. 她提出珂赛特呢?卡波上赛季被尤文图斯租借至西甲的莱万特,并帮助这支瓦伦西亚球队成功保级。

    Kapo spent last season on loan at Levante and he helped them avoid relegation from La Liga .

  21. 伯明翰老板布鲁斯打算租借尤文中场卡波一个赛季。

    Birmingham boss Steve Bruce is trying to sign midfielder Olivier Kapo from Juventus on a season-long loan .

  22. 说定了我们要去卡波快点快点

    We 're doing it . We 're going to Cabo . Let 's do it . Let 's do it .

  23. 她神游到了充满异国情调的墨西哥卡波海滩,去年暑假她就是在那儿度过的。

    Here mind wandered to the hot exotic beach of Cabo , Mexico , where she had spent her last summer break .

  24. 卡波应邀今天到达了这个英国中部城市进行体检并且准备在英超长期踢球。

    Kapo is due to arrive in the Midlands today for a medical and fulfil his long-term wish to play in the Premiership .

  25. 卡波度过了上赛季在莱万特的租借生涯,被认为不在尤文新教练拉涅利的计划中。

    Kapo spent last season on loan at Levante and is not thought to figure in the plans of new Juve manager Claudio ranieri .

  26. 但是卡波教授补充说:“家长如果希望孩子生活得更加健康,应该鼓励他们选择一些其它的运动方式和户外活动。”

    But he added : " Parents should encourage other physical activities and outdoor pursuits in order for their children to lead well-balanced lives . "

  27. 1986年卡波女士的语速被载入吉尼斯世界纪录,此后她迅速吸引了电影、电视届的目光。

    After landing a spot in the The Guinness Book of World Records in 1986 , Ms Capo quickly attracted voiceover work for film and television .

  28. 方法:以卡波树脂&Ⅰ为基质制备硫磺凝胶,建立质量控制方法,经离心、恒温加速实验和常温放置考察稳定性;

    METHODS : The gel of sulfur was prepared by Carbopol - ⅰ as the gel stroma , and the method of quality control was built up .

  29. 尤文先前已经签下欧塞尔的卡波,以自由球员身份的维尔托德在他们看来也是一个不错的签约对象。

    Juve have already signed Olivier Kapo from Auxerre this summer and the Turin giants are keen to recruit another French international by viewing Wiltord as a bargain capture on a free transfer .

  30. 卡波女士不仅被吉尼斯世界纪录收录在册,还出现在普利娱乐公司出品的《信不信由你》节目、以及图书《另类纪录》中。

    Along with being recognized the Guinness Book of World Records , Ms Capo also appears in Ripleys Believe it or Not - Planet Eccentric book , and in the Book of Alternative Records .