
  • 网络Luce;Henry Luce;Luz;Edward Luce
  1. 上世纪20年代末,时代公司(TimeInc.)创始人亨利•卢斯(HenryLuce)筹办这本现代商业杂志之时,通用汽车正超越福特成为世界第一大汽车制造商。

    As Time Inc. founder Henry Luce was creating the modern business magazine at the end of the 1920s , GM was passing Ford to become the world 's largest automaker .

  2. 丘吉尔要卢斯和他坐船回英国。

    Churchill asked Luce to sail back to England with him .

  3. 贝比•卢斯曾经被三振出局过1300次,成为全联盟的一大记录。

    Babe Ruth struck out1,300 times , a major league record .

  4. 我六年级时候的老师是科普卢斯夫人,她同时也是校长。

    In sixth grade my teacher was Mrs. Kuperus , the principal .

  5. 卢斯行文幽默,富有感情,对印度有卓越的领悟。

    Luce writes with affection , humour and great perception about India .

  6. 麦迪逊广场似乎比斯普卢斯街离大学更近一些。

    So it seem that Madison be closer to the university than spruce .

  7. 我是保罗卢斯赛伯吉纳,客房经理。

    I am Paul rusesabagina , the house manager .

  8. 卢斯继续颂扬麦克阿瑟和他的政策。

    Luce continued to extol MacArthur and his policy .

  9. 你是个好人,保罗卢斯赛伯吉纳。

    You are a good man , Paul rusesabagina .

  10. 而且,读完这本书,我也相信了卢斯的观点。

    So do I. And I also finished this book believing in Luce ' s.

  11. 格雷琴。卢斯迪克喜欢做木偶。

    But Gretchen Lustig likes to make puppets .

  12. 白岩松演讲地点在卢斯礼堂。

    Bai made his speech at Luce Hall .

  13. 马修斯在中国问题上找卢斯的岔子。

    Matthews niggled Luce on the China issue .

  14. 卢库卢斯入侵亚美尼亚,开始了罗马人和波斯帝国之间持续数百年的战争。

    Lucullus invades Armenia , starting centuries of warfare between the Roman and Persian empires .

  15. 在某一个问题上卢斯不肯让步。

    On one issue Luce was intractable .

  16. 卢斯是美国家喻户晓的媒介大亨,他曾对美国的对外政策产生重要影响。

    Luce is the household media tycoon ; he has important influence to American foreign policy .

  17. 勇气是所有其他美德往上爬的梯子。&卢斯

    Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount . & Clare Boothe Luce

  18. 卢斯不太做评判,但他做出的一些判断,在我看来非常公正。

    Luce is not judgmental , but does offer judgments which seem pretty fair to me .

  19. 约翰•卢斯也是一个重要的南非全国音乐比赛的正式成员。

    John Roos is also a regular member of important national music competitions in South Africa .

  20. 周二,克里斯汀斯图尔特停下工作回到在洛杉矶卢斯费利斯社区(好莱坞名人聚居区)的私房菜餐厅吃午餐。

    Kristen Stewart stopped for lunch at Home restaurant in the Los Feliz neighborhood of LA on Tuesday .

  21. 这时牧羊人听到对面山顶上传来了罗穆卢斯低沉的喊声。

    Then the shepherds heard from the summit of the opposite hill the deep toned voice of Romulus crying .

  22. 瓦德•弗雷和卢斯•波顿在血色婚礼上杀害史塔克家的人后,布兰就讲了这个故事。

    Bran tells this story right after Walder Frey and Roose Bolton kill the Starks at the Red Wedding .

  23. 上周一,克里斯汀似乎离开了她和罗伯特在加州卢斯费利斯的家。

    On Monday , it appeared Kristen had left her Los Feliz , California , home that she shares with the English actor .

  24. 我从书中了解到许多关于印度的知识,而且感觉自己对卢斯也有了相当多的了解。

    I learnt a lot about the country from this book and got the impression that I was learning quite a bit about Luce too .

  25. 他只是握着旅行车的方向盘,双唇冷酷地紧闭着,驶在回德卢斯150英里的路途中。

    He just took the wheel of our station wagon , his mouth a grim line as we set off on the150-mile drive back to Duluth .

  26. 1930年——该死的大萧条,卢斯创办《财富》,同年,通用汽车推出第一款配置了16缸引擎的凯迪拉克,展现出极大的勇气。

    In 1930 , when -- Depression be damned -- Luce launched Fortune , GM showed its grit by introducing the first Cadillac with a 16-cylinder engine .

  27. 足球总监塔克西贝卢斯科尼,宣布说,这项协议能够在原则上达成一致,要感谢球员放弃他的权利&以15%的费用。

    Director of football , Txiki Beguiristain , announced that this agreement in principle was reached thanks to the player renouncing his right to15 % of the fee .

  28. 只有在罗穆卢斯召集他们的时候元老院才开会,而会上也只是元老们听取他的命令。

    The Senate could only be convened when Romulus called for it , and once assembled , the senators merely sat in silence and listened to his edicts .

  29. 美国新闻业巨子卢斯有着浓厚的中国情结,美国化中国是他美国世纪梦想的重要组成部分;

    Luce , a magnate of journalism of U.S.A. , has strong China sentiment ," Americanizing China " is the part component of his dreams of " American century ";

  30. 4月,贝克汉姆和维多利亚的“完美婚姻”似乎出现裂痕,因小贝与前私人助理丽贝卡-卢斯传出绯闻。

    The seemingly-perfect marriage of David and Victoria Beckham was rocked by allegations that the England captain had conducted an affair with his former assistant , Rebecca Loos , inset .